I was going to run 8 miles on the treadmill this morning, but after being stressed out with some vacation planning last night, I figured I would be too tired to get up early enough, so I ended up running 6.5 miles instead.  It was a good run.  I bet I could have woke up 15 mins early to knock out the rest of it and wouldn’t have been tired.  I’m not worried about it because it’s a cut back week for me, so I’m enjoying a bit of rest before training gets hard again next week.  See the blur of my Newtons?  They have these cool little reflective circles on the toes.

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Here’s an interesting fact about my cat… she has a freezer obsession.  She meows loudly until we give in and open up the freezer drawer.

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Then she runs over to the drawer and licks and chews on it!  She actually gets her little tongue stuck on the cold metal.  Luckily it’s only for a quick second, and then her tongue snaps back.  So crazy!!  We give her ice, but it just doesn’t have the same effect on her.

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Today was a big day for my yearbook job.  Two photographers from the yearbook company came to the school and we took candid pictures and group class shots.  I think I got some really great pictures and I will be putting that together very soon.  On a interesting note, our parent teacher association just bought these bouncy ball seats for this class.  When I went in, half of the kids were bouncing up and down in the their seats.  I don’t know if it’s disruptive for the teacher, but it was a little odd to see!  I think the seats would be really comfortable though.

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After school I was helping with homework.  In the middle of the help I had to run back to the school, and when I returned home I found Sydney working really hard on the remaining assignments.  She accomplished so much.  Uh huh.

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We had the good fortune of having both kids invited to sleepovers tonight, so it was date night.  I had a craving for some Chinese food and we found a restaurant that serves sizzling rice soup.  Yummm!  We haven’t had that soup for a long time, and it was just as delicious as I remember it.  If you go to a place that serves it, I highly recommend ordering it!

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That pretty much sums up the day.  With the kids at sleepovers, I’m going to be getting in some miles on the trails hopefully.  I *really* want to run in my new Newtons.  I did accomplish my goal of finding a running partner for my long run, which got moved to Sunday now.  Looking forward to some companionship!

Q:  Do you have a pet with any weird habits?


7 thoughts on “My weird cat”
    1. Today she kept getting her tongue stuck, but apparently it doesn’t bother her at all because she doesn’t stop. Funny to see it sticking on there!!

  1. Bo does a lot of weird things…I guess they aren’t weird to me anymore. He does something hilarious where at a seconds notice he will sprint around the house for 5 minutes. Full out sprint. You can hear his feet/nails dig into the carpet to keep his traction. Ah, I love this pup.

    Oh, one of the weirdest-Bo loves pillows. He will stretch out and rest his head on a pillow, like a human. And he loves to lay on them.

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