Gas prices are starting to go up in our area. Too bad I didn’t get a picture at their lowest, which was $1.71 this past weekend I think. See, I can’t remember already! Definitely way cheaper than we have seen in a long time.
It is a rest day for me, but since I have a free lunch hour I figured I should get some cross training done. So I hit the gym and rode the bike for 30 mins. I think it was a good workout for my legs, and I read a couple of magazines. Relaxing!
After dinner today we played “Draw Something“. It was a Christmas gift this year. It’s a fun game to play, and for the most part the kids don’t fight during it! (win!)
Since the wind chill is expected to be at least -25 degrees tomorrow, they decided to cancel school tomorrow. They told us around 7pm. I wasn’t thinking and I told the kids right away. Oops! Next time, we don’t tell them and they go to bed on schedule. Instead, they stayed up until almost 10pm. I don’t mind them being up later, but I feel like I should be doing something with them instead of working on anything personal. Tonight I had Sydney help me work on yearbook tasks, which was helpful. But still, I never got around to doing my PT exercises. BOO! That’s why I run in the morning, because if I had to wait until later in the day, it would never get done. And then DW & I drank some margaritas. And I got to bed too late….