Here’s my joke of the day…

What’s the difference between hardware and software?

Software is what you curse, hardware is what you kick.

The workout this morning was 6 miles GA (general aerobic, or just “a normal run”).  But, since I had to cut that hill run short the other morning, I added another mile and ran 7 this morning.  I made it an interesting run on the treadmill by changing up the last half of the run.  For each half mile I would raise the speed up by one or two tenths, and then either added 1% incline, or 1% decline, switching them back and forth.  So 1% incline, 1% decline, 2% incline, 2% decline, and so forth.  The speed part of it was fun and by the time I was down to the last quarter mile I was running 6:58 pace.  A good workout!
On my lunch hour I rode the bikes at the gym. Another relaxing 30 mins of reading magazines 🙂

In addition to the early bedtimes, early wakeup times and cups of iced coffee, another way to tell that it’s marathon training around my house is the clothes drying space in my bathroom.


One thing I love about my son’s new iPod is that I have a new player in Words With Friends!  The extra fun part is that he is really quite a challenge.  Either he has a huge vocabulary at 9 years old (totally possible) or that he has lots of time to kill and can try numerous letter combinations until he gets a word that works.  I mean really, did he know “haik” was even a word??


I love that the sun still hasn’t set yet when I get home from work!  But sadly it also meant that it was *finally* time to turn off the Christmas lights outside.  That’s always a bummer because they are just so pretty and make a beautiful glow at night.


And finally, my kids think it would be cool to be homeschooled. I, on the other hand, would not last one day with that arrangement.  Working on social studies makes me want to pull my hair out!!  I’m fine with math – I get that.  It’s rules and formulas and it just makes sense.  But the other subjects?  No so much.



Q: Are there any subjects you enjoy studying with the kids?

Math for sure… and clarinet!

2 thoughts on “Wordy Friday”
  1. When I was driving home yesterday I noticed just how bright it still was! When I went out for my run at 6, it was still kind of light. Wow!

    I don’t enjoy any subjects with the monsters.
    Okay, I do like reading and writing with them. That counts I think.

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