The kids sleepovers went well yesterday, although we had some tired kids today! Alan ran a 20 miler at the park this morning, and then I was able to get out for my run. Technically it was a rest day, but I just couldn’t pass up and opportunity to run with my BRF (Best Running Friend!!) Jennifer!! Sorry Jennifer, did you know I was going to post your picture? 🙂
Jennifer and I have logged hundreds of miles together training for various races. We ran our first 5K together in 2009, the year we were both starting out…
The funniest thing about that race was we pinned our bibs to the back of our shirts! Amateurs for sure!! But, judging by this picture we were in good company. I’m just glad we were beating that dude with a stroller.
So, fast forward almost 6 years later and we have trained together for several half marathons and other races, and discussed and debated a zillion topics along the way. Now that she is working on my day off and not in training mode, we don’t get to see each other as much as we did. It’s always great to see her. Chick chat runs – good for the soul 🙂
After the run we visited my parents, and then ran some errands. Jessica (from KiwiYogiRunner)- this one is for you… we had dinner at Sam’s Club! Sam’s Club is just like Costco. Then, after spending $5.96 on dinner (the endless refill of fruit punch drink was the best!), we shopped and snacked our way through the store. Yummy treats, cheeses, drinks and more. Kind of like having your appetizers after dinner.
After feeling a little guilty about not doing any PT exercises in awhile, I finally did them again. Even if I’m not convinced they are completely helping, they sure can’t hurt!
That’s about it for today. Looking forward to a relaxing Sunday.
Q: Do you enjoy a recovery run the day after a long run?
A: I do enjoy a day of rest, but that run really helped me out. I’m feeling good today! Although it was a bit painful at the start of the run…
Q: What do you think, bibs on the front or the back?? 🙂
It IS good for the soul to run together. Love the post and am so glad you’ve inspired me for 6 years! (Gasp!)
I belonged to Sam’s before Costco came along. Costco is 1.3 miles from my office, so I spend many a lunch hour’s there spending all of my money.
I am officially obsessed with it.
Amanda @ There Are Two Sides recently posted…Blizzard Breakfast Run 2015
I find it funny (and yet sad) that pretty much everything is $10 a box. That’s how I view my shopping trip… there’s another $10, and another $10… but Sam’s does have the BEST price on bagged salad mix. We go there every week and buy 2 big bags. $2.96 a bag! We both take salads every day to work for lunch. Easy peasy.