I got an easy 8 miles on the treadmill this morning, finishing up the finales of both The Bachelor and Celebrity Apprentice. What the heck am I going to watch now?? Ah, don’t worry, I’ve got lots to keep me entertained in the morning. And, some day soon I might actually get outside before work when it starts getting lighter out!
I saw a great quote on the way to work this morning:
Courage is not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it.
We’ve had some crazy weather here in Ohio. The temps soared and created a bunch of fog the other morning. I could barely see to drive to work! Spring is definitely right around the corner.
Speaking of work, I’ll be so glad when next week is over. I’ve been leading a nomadic life. My office at Job A is still in a mess and our desks are not complete. The desktops are now scheduled to be finished by the end of next week so hopefully next week we’ll have a place to put our stuff.
Job B was relocated on a temporary basis, so I’ve been living out of my backpack. Literally. Yep, I still use the same backpack I used in college. More than anything I think that speaks loads about the quality of this brand of backpack!!
See, I’m all equipped for a technological emergency. Toothbrush, toothpaste, comb and a spoon for my yogurt 😉 The good, but bad, thing about Job B is that they are always having potlucks. So much food around all of the time. I have no control in these situations and I end up snacking a lot! Not helping the “getting to race weight” situation folks!! Enough!
Here is further evidence that I am a nomad. This is what was in my car today…
Part of the excuse here was that I was going to maybe go to the gym after work, so that was taking up space in my front seat too. But, since I have an obligation to get that school yearbook finished in less than a month, I decided I best spend my time working on that during the chess lessons today. I did make quite a good deal of progress, so that’s a great thing.
And as always, Thursday is the best day of the week, so woohoo to that! I just loaded up my iPod with some entertainment for my 18 miler tomorrow. It will be a mix of new tunes and podcasts.
Fingers crossed it will be a great day tomorrow too!
Q: Do you prefer a backpack, briefcase or large bag for toting your stuff around?
Q: Don’t you agree that potlucks at work should be limited to just once a month??
A: For the love of our waistlines, yes!!
I was exactly the same before I sold my car, friends used to pretty much raid my car wardrobe when I was at university! 🙂 now I live out of my suitcase for real so very much understand about the nomadic lifestyle 🙂
Jessica @ kiwiyogirunner recently posted…The one with the yogi vocab
It’s amazing how much stuff we accumulate over the years. I do remember moving out of my parents house after college with just a tiny truck with a bed and some clothes. But, houses are like purses – the bigger they are, the more stuff they hold!