The day sure flies when it’s awesome!  After getting the kids to the bus, it was treadmill time.  Long run time, with lots of TV shows to watch.  First, I ran slow and tried to read a magazine.  Fail!  Not sure how people do that.  The weather was nice outside today, and I thought about running outside, but decided to stick with the treadmill plan as that would be a softer landing for my foot.

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I broke my run into two segments.  First, an easy 12 miles.  Then, the last 5 miles would be “Newton Hill” simulation.  Along the 17 miles, I needed to refuel for my quest of the hills.  This NutriGrain bar was handy, and quite delicious!

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The hills went OK, but I sure am not a master of them by any means.  I tried to avoid stepping off the treadmill to rest by slowing my pace down.  Honestly, running slower ends up feeling better than resting because it’s always twice as hard (& painful!) to start running again after a break.  I did have a flashback to my ski trip though when I was hiking that hill and felt like my heart was going to jump out of my chest from exhaustion!!

Run, done!  I was definitely looking forward to my favorite post run drink (iced coffee!).  I am also happy to report that my foot did not bother me at all!  I swear it was scared into feeling better after being threatened of going to the Dr yesterday.  I guess we’ll see how tomorrow goes.

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No time to rest, it was off to work for me.  But work was actually just a few minutes in the office, followed by a lunch for an employee that was leaving.  He chose a Japanese restaurant – not quite my style, I don’t eat sushi!  Luckily I did find something tasty on the menu.  Teriyaki chicken!  I also had Miso soup.  I appreciated my coworker not telling me what Miso was until after I finished it.  Not sure I would have enjoyed it quite so much!! 🙂  I even tried a petal off the flower.  Surprisingly, it tasted just like a leaf!

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After work, a trip to the store for a birthday present, grocery shopping, picking up kids from chess, and WHEW, finally getting home!  A very productive day.

Last 3 things of awesomeness that happened after work:

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1) found that soft fuzzy blue shirt (in picture) on my shopping trip, and I will live in it until it’s a warm Spring day

2 ) beer & pizza night with my hubby!!!

3) watching Survivor premier!  Game on!  Well, maybe not.  Alan just fell asleep on the couch next to me.  Oh well, at least we got to enjoy the beer and pizza.

Q: Are you a fan of Japanese food?

A: I love the hibachi food.  Just not sushi! 

Q: Did you have some awesomeness today??

5 thoughts on “Day of awesomeness”
  1. For the record, I was not sleeping! I was just resting my eyes and to the untrained, it might have appeared like I was sleeping.

    1. Wow, you’ve been so lucky to travel all over the place. (And that is some awesomeness for sure!) I frown at anything raw 😉

      1. Oh – I forgot to mention, the person I sat next to at lunch yesterday just returned from her honeymoon. They went to New Zealand! What are the odds? She loved it and highly recommended it.

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