I’m going to cut right to the chase tonight… this was the highlight of my day. While I was cuddled up in my blanket, being a sick slug and trying to get that yearbook finished, my son said he had something for me. And he asked me to close my eyes, and he put this in my hands…
That little guy knows the way to my heart for sure. xoxoxo I thought it was odd that he asked me at dinner if I could still have chocolate. Little did I know he was brewing a plan. So sweet 🙂
I’m not sure how I did it this morning, but I got up at 5am and followed my workout schedule – 10 miles with 4 x .75 mile repeats at 5K pace. After I started running though I checked again to make sure I was doing the right thing.
Dang it. I thought that was the right rule. Gotta keep on going. The thing I hate about sore throats (and colds in general) is that they are always worst at night when you try to sleep. I must have woke up a dozen times with the feeling of an anaconda wrapped around my throat, with an anaconda on fire in my throat!! Well, I think we’ve covered how sucky my throat is feeling so we’ll move on to something different.
Here is Zoe playing with my hair as I stretched out my legs after my run. She is so funny. She is kind of obsessed with my hair, especially when I am watching TV. She will jump up on top of the coach and put a hold around my head and try to bite my hair. It doesn’t hurt – it tickles!
When I got to work they had yet another potluck going on. This one was a very special one because it was a surprise wedding shower for two coworkers who are getting married (to each other) in May. The funny/sad thing was I just learned that the guy who is getting married also worked at the bank. I’ve been sitting right next to the girl for 3 weeks now and I just learned that information. He works on the 2nd floor, and we are on the main floor. I really need to brush up on my observation skills!
I may have had samples of the chocolate blobs with peanuts, and a super delicious cupcake. Just maybe.
Well that is it for now. Gotta get to bed and hope from some healing sleep tonight. Rest day tomorrow. Woohoo!!
Q: Favorite candy bar?
A: Snickers! but perhaps you already know that.
Q: Cat attacks… frightening, or funny?
A: I was surprised to find out I have a neighbor who is really afraid of cats!
Q: Healing treatments – do you prefer over the counter/prescription meds, or all natural??
A: I’m hoping that Snickers and a kiss will take it all away 🙂
That was so sweet of Z. Hope you feel better!
That is soo sweet!! Love the card and the snickers bar! We would never call a chocolate bar a candy bar down here but I know what you’re talking about 😉 I’m not the biggest chocolate fan at all… Does a liquorice stick with chocolate inside count? I like the liquorice to drown out the chocolate taste haha. I hope you start feeling better soon!! I hate trying to sleep (or do anything) with a cold, it is not fun at all!
Jessica @ kiwiyogirunner recently posted…The one with simple stress-relieving yoga
Oh man, not a fan of chocolate? I might have to end this conversation right now. haha Do they make licorice with chocolate inside of it? I don’t think I’ve ever heard of that. Or is that an NZ/Australian thing?
Candy Bar….Hm…I think it depends on my mood.
Butterfinger, SKOR, Reese’s….
I love a good work potluck! We have 2-3 each year.
Amanda @ There Are Two Sides recently posted…MealEnders Review & Giveaway
I love potlucks too… too much. 🙂 must.stop.eating.all.of.the.food I love Reese’s too!