
Let’s start with the secret – getting good deals on shoes by buying shoes on eBay!  You might think – “what, buying someone else’s shoes on eBay?”  It’s not always like that.  There are a lot of people selling shoes that did not work for them.  Think about it – finding your perfect running shoe is like finding the perfect jeans, bathing suit, or even a bra.  There’s a ton of options out there and you just never know what’s going to work for you until you try it.  Often times people will buy a pair of shoes and find out they just don’t work for them.  If that’s the case, make sure you check the treads on the shoes closely and ask how many miles on them.  I have never found a pair yet that were stinky or gross or anything like that.  Most shoes have less then 15 miles on them and look brand new!

There are also a lot of running shops that liquidate shoes from their stock.  My favorite Newtons are a model from several years ago.  Once you find a pair of shoes that works for you, you’ll want to keep using them as long as you can!  And when they are replaced with a newer model – the older ones go on clearance out and you can score a good deal!  Between my husband and I, we’ve found deals for as low as $20 for our Newtons.  I’ve also bought Mizuno and Asics shoes, and sold a pair of Asics that were no longer a good fit for me.  If you’re looking for something in particular, set up a saved search on eBay and you’ll get notified immediately when a new pair are up for sale.

Now for my confession…. I had a bit of a freak out this past Friday with my knee.  I had an injury last October when I kneeled down on it, and it hasn’t been right since.  It definitely has improved a lot since then because it used to feel tender to the touch, but for the last week it’s been making itself known again and feeling really “pinchy”.  So I took a suggestion from someone and decided to try some tape on it.  It was taped when I was in PT, but that tape was so tight it bothered me when I slept.  But at this point I’m willing to give anything a try so I followed some YouTube videos and taped it up for my runs today.

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I did say “runs” today.  I was so excited to have two running dates lined up today!  My BRF Jennifer was up for a run in the early-ish morning, so we cruised around the neighborhood and caught up.  It’s been forever since we ran together and we had lots of topics to discuss!

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After that, I was greeted by this scrumptious breakfast Alan made for me.  Nice job honey!!

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At 10:00 I was off again to my next running date with another friend who doesn’t have any training plan right now, but she is still keeping up with her running.  She said she ran 30 miles this week!  She ran the Chicago marathon back in October and is looking for her next challenge.  It was such a beautiful day that I suggested we run at my favorite trail down by the river.  Once more, lots of chatting going one!  I forgot to get a picture of that, but here’s me looking very warm post run.  And wow, I never realized how big my glasses look!!  Alan always makes fun of me when I wear that headband.  Says I look like Bret Micheals from Poison.  Hmmfpt.

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The tape stayed on my knee, so the first challenge was met (properly applying the tape!).  It didn’t take my pain away yet, but I’m hopeful it will help out, because quite frankly I don’t think it could be harmful!!

On Friday I also did an experiment.  I started thinking that my knee pain had increased since I started running in my orange Newtons again (oh no!!).   This was a bit sad since I love those shoes and I just bought another pair!  For my long run on Friday I ran 6 miles in my orange Newtons, and the other 6 miles in my Asics Gel Nimbus.  I think the pain was less with the Asics, so they have been determined to be the shoes I will be wearing at Boston.  Decision made!

To end our weekend, we hit the ice cream stand again and the kids has slushies with some Nerds in them.  I’m sure the kids will have many fond memories of our trips to Freeze Daddy’s when they are grown up.  I know I will 🙂

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Q: Do you have a restaurant, or ice cream stand that you used to frequent as a child?

A: I remember going to a Chinese restaurant with my family, and my brother and I always getting hamburgers – which were delicious!!  I thought Chinese food was gross back then.  I love it now!

Q: Have you ever had to switch running shoes because of injury or pain?

A: When I first started wearing my Nimbus a few years ago I swore they gave me shin splints and I didn’t wear them for a long time.  I bought them purely because they were pink, not because of the fit!  🙂

Q: Have you ever used KT tape?  



8 thoughts on “My secret and a confession”
  1. OH NO on the knee!! Hopefully with the KT tape and the asics! At least you are in taper mode and maybe that will rest the knee some….. why, oh why do we get sick or injure just weeks prior to a BIG race?! Talk about mentally testing a runner!!! Saying a little prayer for you that the knee does not give you trouble!!!

    Memory as a child was going to a Tasty freeze in Maryland! Always loved getting a dipped cone! YUM!!! My mom would take me there on occasion and I always LOVED going!

    Shoes? I have a ton of variety of running shoes. Most I can only run in for 3 miles or less….. the only shoes that seem to keep me injury free are Mizuo wave rider 17 for longer runs! I am in need to buy new ones and I am hesitant about buying the wave rider 18, so afraid Mizuno may have changed something… going to research the difference prior to buying…. heel/toe drop is a BIG factor for me when buying shoes!

    Have a GREAT MONDAY!!!! Rest day for me…blah!

    1. Dipped cones. YUMMMM! Maybe a search on Ebay for the Wave Rider 17’s? I got a free pair of Mizunos a few years back from their Mezamashi project (so did my husband!) and I picked the Wave Elixir. I don’t think I’ve run very far in those, I save those for my 5Ks or other short runs.

    1. The omelet was great! – makes up for him making fun of me every time I put that headband on. Almost.

      1. Every rose has its thorn
        Just like every night has its dawn
        Just like every cowboy sings his sad, sad song
        Every rose has its thorn

  2. Thanks for the shoe buying tips! I usually buy mine from RunningWarehouse.com. I think I have those exact pink Smart wool running socks pictured in your previous post. I’ve only worn them a couple of times, but I hope they last a long time because they weren’t on sale when I bought them at a local store!
    Tina@GottaRunNow recently posted…15 Mile Run: Problem SolvingMy Profile

    1. I know, the SmartWool aren’t exactly cheap! They had a “buy 4 get 20% off” and then I stuck a FB15D (15% off!) code on top of that, so the price was much better. Now I see they have a sale on Balega socks… my favorites! I might have to go shopping again. You can never have too many pairs of running socks 🙂

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