All of my positive thoughts, and cuss words aimed at my foot, must have worked their magic because I was back at it, ready for a run again today. Wooooohoo! I’m glad too because my foot really hurt on Monday. I had to work “work shoes” to the bank and they was pushing on the swollen part all day. So Tuesday I was a rebel and wore some clogs to work – no, not stylish, but oh so therapeutic! That helped a ton not having pressure on the sore spot and by the end of the day it was just a memory.
I ran 4 miles before work. Hit the gym for weights at lunch. I’m on a roll now! And today my Boston medal has also been relocated to it’s place of honor. It’s one thing to wear your medal around after the race, but it’s also perfectly acceptable to keep it in your purse for a week… just in case you need to show someone. Just FYI, I made that medal rack. Yep, I’m pretty proud of that too!!
Since my son had soccer practice tonight, my husband took him to soccer and I took the opportunity to bond with my daughter. We went to the outdoor mall where they hold the weekly group run with the local running shop.
Shopping and running. Two things these girls can excel at!! A few days before Boston we went to a group run at the other local running store (we are so lucky to have two of them! This town runs!!). The best part was at the beginning the owner acknowledged the soon-to-be Boston runners and pointed at us and said “The Willfords are running!”. That was like being a celebrity. My husband asked me how the owner knew. Oh, because I emailed him and told him I BQ’d. And also the other store’s owner. And my former physical therapist. And I told every person I knew. Yes, I was THAT excited!
One of the fun parts about going to the group runs, outside of it being a great way to spend time with the family and get everyone involved in running, is that they raffle off prizes each week. I was a lucky winner this week with this Asics shirt. It came in handy when it got a little cooler out.
My running partner and I got to chat the whole time. Girl bonding time. That was the best part of the run. And since I’m still taking it easy, we turned off early and ended our run at 3 miles while the rest of the group did 4. Oh yeah, we can do that! We did have to run “the hills” on this course, and ugh, that was bringing back some memories. I am fine with not running hills again for another year!!
When the day was done I got 7 miles in. Remember those days when I used to knock out 10 miles before work?? 🙂 I am trying to get my running fix this week because on Friday I am having oral surgery. Free gum grafting to be exact. You might not want to Google that one, because it doesn’t look that great. And I’m not sure why it’s called “free”, because it certainly is not. Anyway, I predict that will put a halt on my running for almost 2 weeks for recovery, so that is my scheduled “down time recovery for Boston”.
You will all have to check out this story from Runner’s World. It’s about our local race, the Glass City Marathon. It’s funny and downright impressive all in one!
Q: Do you participate in any organized (or disorganized!) group runs in your area?
A: I’m really looking forward to the summer groups runs because they hold them at our metroparks and they bring in different shoes brands each week to try out. I’m interested in what all of the hype is about the Hoka One One shoes, so I will definitely get there early for a pair of those.
Q: Have you ever taken a wrong turn during a race?
A: Not me personally, but someone I know (COUGH COUGH Alan) has.
Q: Are you afraid of going to the dentist?
Love the medal hanging rack!!! You are quite crafty!!!! 🙂
So funny you mention the “wrong turn”… I actually have the same link posted in my blog posting that will post tonight……I can’t even imagine running a whole extra mile in a marathon!!! Holy crap!!! But kudos to her for winning….
So happy to hear the foot is better….. such a bummer when down with an injury… especially one that seems to come out of no where!! I mean, ok, yeah, you ran a marathon, lol….. but you had a great race and no sign that anything would pop up later! ugh!!! But that is in the past… glad to hear that you are back at it!!!! YAY!!!
Have a great day!!!
Glad to hear that your foot is feeling better. guess it was just a slight glitch. 🙂 and sounds like you’re easing back into it
I know a girl who turned the wrong way.. but she still finished and did good. I never have though. I”ll ask a million questions if I’m uncertain. haha.
I don’t participate in group runs, that sounds super fun though.!! wish I could, but my schedule is pretty hectic.
Jessica @ VEGGIE RUNNING MOMMA recently posted…Things to learn from a PRO (not me) and Randoms
Hey, it wasn’t my fault I was so fast that they didn’t properly man the turn. But they do mark that corner much, much better now because of me! But yes, I am directionally challenged.
This is true – I’m never in a situation where there is no one in front of me to guide me! Us mid-packers don’t have that issue 🙂 #fastrunnerproblems
HA! HA!! ME TOO!!!!! Always someone in front of me to follow 😉
Now that I think about it, that would be kinda scary with no one in front of me! I probably would get lost 🙁 Glad I don’t have that problem. Ha!
I’m happy about your foot. For me personally I am encountering a lot less of the common runner’s injuries even though doing marathons. I strengthen the regions mentioned in the article through powerlift and crossfit training. For more insight visit
Thanks for the info. I’ll check it out!