School is almost over!  This upcoming week is a jam packed week with school stuff, and me having to bake stuff for said school stuff!  I love to cook, eat, and make treats, but cooking and baking for other people gives me the heebie jeebies!  I get performance anxiety because, well, perhaps you’ve seen my cookie making skills.

Tonight we had an end of year band awards night where everyone brought dessert to share.  I made brownies.  They were a big hit because they were gooey, and had mini M & M’s on them.  I’m not sure they were properly baked, but they did taste great!  I ate way too many treats (that was only my first plate!!).   So bad of me.

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Zachary didn’t eat less than us, he just ate faster….

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Sydney’s birthday is actually this weekend, although we celebrated last weekend with her friends.  So, we’ll be taking in a b-day treat to school on Friday.  I really wanted to make some kick ass cupcakes, but then realized that making 25 cupcakes that would actually survive the trip to school was a big task that I am not up for.  So I just switched my treat to S’mores bars!  They look pretty awesome, right?  And I think they are do-able, even for me.


Recipe from Mel’s Kitchen Cafe.

Those cookie bars are on my Thurs night to-do list.  On Weds night, I have to make a food from Switzerland!  It’s for International day at school on Thursday.  I was going to make Swiss Zopf, but I talked my husband into making his famous Challah bread and no one will know the difference.  Shhhhh.  That’s our secret.

And to finish off the week, my daughter has requested the super decadent cookie dough cake that I made for her last year for her actual birthday on Saturday.  Girlfriend loves her cookie dough!!  It did turn out quite lovely last year, so I’m hoping for a repeat performance.   YES, that a picture of the actual cake I made last year.  Kinda drool worthy, no?

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Here’s the recipe I used in case you’d like to whip up your own….  Chocolate chip cookie dough cake recipe.  Just make sure you have a big glass of milk handy.  YUMMMMM

I was going to tell you about the 3 days of running I’ve done – but now it’s getting late so I’ll save that for tomorrow!


Q:  Do you enjoy baking for others?

I would, if I were any good at it.

Q:  Do you enjoy being a hostess and having parties/entertaining?

No 😉


7 thoughts on “Bring on the treats!!”
    1. Time for Plan B already. My daughter was not impressed with the Smores bar concept. Sigh. Now she will be getting what I’d like to call “whatever I end up making”. haha! I’m thinking maybe rice crispy bars would be easier…

  1. uh… by the looks of it, you are a pretty awesome baker!!!! YUMMY!!!!
    I do like to bake!!! Secretly, I really want to open a cupcake shop, however, I know this is an unrealistic dream since we have a small cakes cupcake place in town. No way could I compete with theM!
    Yay on the end of the school year approaching! My son is already out and it is so great not to have to pre-pack lunches the night before! (Does that make me sound awful?) :-/

    1. Then I think I’m worse – I let my kids buy lunch twice a week so I can get a little bit of a break and run a little longer in the morning!! (I pack the lunch in the AM) I figure it’s way cheaper than what I paid for daycare!
      Yummmm, I have dreams of splurging on some fancy gourmet cupcakes one of these days… but I haven’t done that yet either! Some day. Sigh!

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