I wasn’t running today (rest day!) but my kids were again!  Our Toledo Roadrunners group has a fun kids run each year called the Kids Kilometers.  They have three age groups and my kids are now in group B (2K) and C (3K).  They’ve been doing this for quite a few years now, so it’s fun to see them move up in their age group with hopes of crushing everyone 🙂  Here is their first Kids Kilometers run back in 2011.  They were troopers despite the rain…


This year Sydney came in 3rd in her group/girls and Zachary was also 3rd in his group/boys.  Those kind of results always make for happy runners (and harmony in the house)!

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The kids are also drawn to this event because of the post race cookies.  I’ll admit it, I did indulge in 3 of them!   Agreed, worth the run.

Alan went home and continued working on that troublesome clogged sink.  I was getting a bit nervous because Sydney was having friends over for her birthday celebration and we still had dishes from dinner last night laying around!  It still wasn’t done by the time we went out, but family comes first, so we picked up her pals and went to the latest entertainment area in town… SkyZone!!  This place rocks.  It’s a trampoline park!

The kids jumped for 90 mins and Alan and I jumped for 30 mins.  I was having a great time bouncing around and even got in on some dodgeball action!  Here we are during a game…

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I’m not sure why I choose today to keep my hair down and didn’t have a ponytail with me, but it was a really bad mess by the time my 30 mins was up!  I am not good at throwing the balls, but I did good the first game and was the last player on my team!

Alan headed back to the house and after buying another tool, he finally got the clog unplugged!!  But in the process he also messed up two of my towels.  Apparently drain cleaner has some sort of bleaching agent in it.  Tsk tsk!  Well, really it’s a small price to pay since we didn’t have to call a plumber.

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Time for cake and ice cream after the kids ran around the house crazy.

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We had a really fun time today celebrating Sydney’s birthday with her friends.  I think I was enjoying the trampolines a bit too much because I strained my muscle doing a “splits” jump!  Good times 🙂


Q: Have you ever been to a trampoline park?

If not, you definitely need to go when you get a chance!

Q: Are there any annual races you always participate in?

Q: Your favorite – cookie cake, or regular cake?



11 thoughts on “Running, jumping, and eating cookies!”
  1. I always run the Boston Marathon, but you already knew that! Best…race…ever! Its more fun when it isn’t raining, I promise!

    1. It’s fun to be a “repeat customer”, especially if there is a nice shirt involved! There are many races I’d love my whole family to run every year, but paying for 4 race entries adds up quickly so we try to have the kids participate in the running club events, which are low cost to begin with, but super cheap for members like us.

  2. Cookies and running and jumping?? Best day ever!!!! So cute what you said about harmony in the house- I can totally imagine 😉 I have never been to a jumping park but I am pretty sure I would laugh hysterically the whole time and get an awesome ab workout! It looks like so much fun 🙂
    Happy birthday to Sydney! love the look of that cake too! My fave cake is ice cream cake, I am a child at heart 🙂 I’ve never had cookie cake though!
    Jessica @ kiwiyogirunner recently posted…The one with regaining running mojoMy Profile

  3. We do not have a trampoline park here…. man, it looks like super fun!

    I love how your local running group has such organized youth groups!! Way cool!!! In the summer, there is some organized events for kids, but not really during the year. Kinda a bummer since my 6 year old loves to run, but not not ready for a 5K.

    I missed the annual memorial day 5k that I run every year! So bummed! But, I am following doctor’s orders and not running! But, I have to say, it crossed my mind to just say the heck with it and go run….. but, I didn’t !

    Love the cookie pie/cake! YUM!

    1. That’s true, it’s a nice distance for kids to run. Have you taken him to any of the “fun runs” that they have for kids often at 5K races? Usually those are 1Ks. My kids did a lot of those also.
      That stinks about missing your Memorial Day 5K. But good for you with sticking to the Dr’s plan. The hiatus will be over soon!

      1. My son actually participated in disney run that was awesome! He loved it! Even got a medal (all the kids get medals-everyone is a winner) 🙂
        He has done a color run that was actually a 5K, but we mostly walked it. The color being thrown kept his attention to keep going in the run. As far as local, they do sometimes have a 1 mile attached to the 5k, however, due to the time being so early, I just let him stay in bed…. seriously, my son and husband are in the bed when I get back from a local 5K….LOL

  4. We have a trampoline place like that here, but I’ve been hesitant to go, because I want to wait till my little one is a bit older.. even though I know she would love it. Just thinking about your hair down while jumping on a trampoline stresses me out.! lol I hate when mine gets in my face and is all crazy . .lol
    that cake looks so good.!! Good job to your speedy kids on their 3rd place finishes.! how fun for them 🙂
    Jessica @ VEGGIE RUNNING MOMMA recently posted…What I’ve been up to..My Profile

    1. The hair in my face was the worst!! Of course I had a handful of ponytail holders in my car, I was just too lazy (and didn’t want to miss out on jump time!) to go get one.
      You should just go to that trampoline place without your daughter… I won’t tell 🙂 You gotta check it out to see if it has potential for her to go someday!

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