
I know some people say they love running in a new place.  New sights to see!  New places to explore!  I think it’s quite the opposite if the run is a long run vs a leisurely run.  I had 20 mile to run on Friday, which happened to be a day when I was camping.  I got up at 6:00 am, only to find my watch hadn’t been charging all night.  So back to bed for a little bit and I finally made it out the camper door at 6:30.  A beautiful day!  Only problem was that I no longer could anticipate how far I was going.  I’m sure everyone has that trail where they can mark the distances by the landscape or trees.  Or the house with the brown garage door.  Or they know exactly how far a mile in any direction from their house!  But at the campground it was more like this – “I’ve been running forever!  How far has it been?”  “oh, only 2.3 miles. sigh.”  I did make it through at a pretty decent pace and several podcasts kept me entertained.

Around 15 miles I ran up the hill pictured above.  It’s quite a big hill and it has a great view of the park, Lake Erie, and which usually leads to discovering the deer that are hiding in the nearby brush.  (picture from this blog)

2015-07-03 11.33.10
A runner is camping here!!

As a treat, we drove over to Sonic to cash in on half off shakes!  We don’t have a Sonic close by, so we had to take advantage of it’s close location to the campground.  As you can see, my shake was MUCH larger…. well, because I ran 20 miles and I deserved it.  My husband rolled his eyes at me.  Honestly, in the end we all agreed that next time we would all order one size smaller 🙂

2015-07-03 20.17.00

We spent our holiday weekend enjoying the great outdoors and hanging with my parents.  We went to a concert…

2015-07-04 20.24.42

We ate a lot of ice cream, and also watermelon…

2015-07-03 12.50.46 HDR-1

We also went fishing…

2015-07-04 14.50.37

And enjoyed an awesome breakfast made by Alan!

2015-07-04 09.35.25

And on a funny note, one thing to look out for when camping are ticks.  We found a few on our pants, but no bites.  I went from “Tech Chick” girl to “Tick Check” girl!

I’ve also been busy lately getting some squats done.  I saw this on PopSugar and thought it was doable.  Luckily, it really IS doable and I can knock it out in 5 mins. Timely because we’re heading for an all-inclusive tropical destination soon for vacation and my bikini isn’t maximum coverage.  Hey, it’s all the rage in foreign countries 😉


Also this week I had 10 miles on the schedule and I set off on familiar path to the mall.  I knew the mall was exactly 4 miles away so I ran around the shops and then glanced in all of the windows as I ran around the mall.  Then, I looked at my watch and thought, “4.5 miles, time to turn around!”.  Do you see where this is going?  When I reached my house I stopped my watch and reviewed the history so I could see how my pace was for the overall run.  What the what?  Only 9 miles?  Poo.  And off I went for another mile around the block.  I was wondering why I was 10 mins faster than I expected. Figured I was really killing it on this run, go me!!

Thanks for the positive vibes for Alan.  He is back to running again!


Q:  What distances do you know from your house?

A:  I know the distances from 1 mile to 6 miles pretty well.  And the ice cream parlor that is one mile away!

Q:  Do you like running in new places?

Q: Ladies, do you prefer one piece swim suits or bikinis?

6 thoughts on “So bad at math and endless miles”
  1. I think that was the first time we went to Maumee Bay and I didn’t run once! But definitely needed those 2 weeks off to let the ankle recover.

    1. That was odd for me to run and not you! Made you feel really lazy, right? 🙂 Glad you are feeling better. Maybe you will get up early and run with me again soon?

  2. Like you, I find running long on vacation to be extremely challenging! We have a lake house in southern Vermont – it belongs to my in-laws – and I’ve been visiting it for over 10 years. You’d think by now I could find some decent routes…NOPE! Great job getting it done!
    Allison recently posted…What I’m Working Out to WednesdayMy Profile

    1. It’s some kind of illusion I think, going far, but not really! A lake house in Vermont sounds really beautiful. Throw in some kayaking for cross training!

    1. Togs? That’s a new one for me! Tick bites can have lasting health issues, so I’m always on the lookout for them when we go camping. Luckily they are pretty easy to spot when you are looking – but you have to take the time to do that.

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