I forgot to put this picture in my last blog post.  It’s me and some running girlfriends, enjoying a celebration drink and burger after the Columbus marathon.

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They are a great group of people whom I met through my husband’s running connections.  One from our hometown, but the others are friends of each other and live in different parts of the country.  It’s fun because they always get together at some key races – Columbus being one, and Boston being another.

The ages/abilities range from first time half marathoner at 55 yrs old, to 2nd place age group winner (!!!) in the half at 36 yrs old.  Some are seasoned veterans at running ultras, and others are just getting back into running again from some time off.  A running bond among us all though.

One difference though – our speed.  As you probably know, they position the runners in corrals based on estimated finish time, so hopefully everything flows well during the race.  Corral A fastest, corral D slowest.  When we were heading to the corrals at the start of the race on Sunday morning with a group of these friends, we were trying to figure out where we were going.  We saw the signs for the different corrals and some of them headed in different directions.  In helping out our group find it’s way, one of the girls said – “We’re in A.  We need to go this way.  Even Lisa is in A.”  As soon as that comment came out of her mouth I could tell that she realized it sounded condescending.  Then she corrected and said “We’re all in corral A.”

Now I know she didn’t purposely mean to say that I’m clearly the slowest runner out of that group… which I was.  And that wasn’t meant as an insult (which it really kinda was!).  And hopefully it wasn’t meant to be “hey, even pokey Lisa is in A!” (which it did sound like!!)  But it does show the difference in the group that I hang with.  The group has some pretty talented runners, who run paces I can only dream of running some day.  It is what it is.  I’m good with what I’ve got, and where I’m going.

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I don’t post that to brag, but heck, look at that – I got 15th place out of 545 runners in my age group!  Sure, it’s not 2nd place like my friend, but it’s leaps and bound from where I was in my age group at my first half marathon in Columbus – 105 out of 552 runners!

So here’s to getting out there and doing your best, no matter what your pace.  Even if you are the back of the pack at the race, or your friends 🙂  Kudos to you for getting out there and being awesome!

Had to share my ONLY decent looking race photo.  Too bad I am blurry (maybe I am super speedy after all!).


And a funny confession from my husband… “When you see my race pictures, you’ll see me with another woman.  The photographer told us to stand together for a picture, so we did!”.




Q: Do you make an effort to get any good race pictures?  Does it work??

I really do try.  But, not so much.

Q: Are you one of the speedier runners of your group, middle, or back of the pack?

Sometimes I’m the speedier runner.  I enjoy running with everyone!

Q:  Do you think I should be jealous that my husband got a picture with another girl… or just be envious that she also finished the full in 3:07 and still looks awesome?!!   haha!

6 thoughts on “Running friends who are speedier than you!”

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