
As an Ambassador of the Glass City Marathon, I’ll be giving you information about the race, providing you with helpful information, and a little bit of fun stuff too!

Here’s a little bit of history for you today…

I was pretty geeked out when I read the latest Toledo Roadrunner Footprints the other day.  Footprints is the monthly newsletter for the Toledo Roadrunners club and it’s filled with interesting stuff!  Not only does it give race recaps and finish times of my fellow TRRC runners, it also provides a connection among the club members with info on the many upcoming events and races, as well as training advice and health tips.  Need some running advice? – look no further than TRRC!  toledoroadrunners

So back to my geeking out… 2016 will be the 40th anniversary for the Glass City Marathon.  In celebration of that milestone, they are inviting back all former winners of the race.  As you can imagine, it’s quite a process tracking down people from that many years ago, especially the ladies, who may have had a name change since then.

The Footprints article mentioned that the 1971 winner of the Glass City Marathon was Kathy Miller, also known as Kathrine Switzer!  Yes, THAT Kathrine Switzer!  If you’re not familiar, her name is huge in the women’s running community for being the first female to run the Boston Marathon as a numbered entry in  1967.  She was pushed off the course when she was discovered because women weren’t allowed to run Boston back then.  She is a role model and inspiration to women runners everywhere!

“The Boston incident” – Photo from Kathrine’s website.

Hopefully the search for previous winners of GCM will be a great success and I look forward to hearing stories about their race days.

And as a reminder, the Mercy Health Glass City Marathon gladly welcomes the men AND ladies. 🙂  Race cap limits for each race is:

Early bird pricing ends December 31st, 2015 for all races, so sign up now to get in on that savings!


Random trivia of the day: I met Kathrine Switzer at the Boston Marathon expo this year!  Well, technically I didn’t “meet” her, but I did stand in line to meet her for about 5 mins, then I just walked past and took this stalker picture!  Good times!!  Now you see why I was geeked out about her! 😉

2015-04-18 15.27.14

Q:  Have you ever met any “famous” runners?

Q:  Favorite race expo?  Do you usually find at least one thing you need there??


3 thoughts on “Glass City Marathon – 40th anniversary”
  1. I met Hal higdon, I followed his training plans when I first started to run…. however, I would LOVE to meet Kara!!!!! Would love to attend one of her weekend retreats that she does!!!!!

    Favorite expo, probably Disney only because there were so many vendors! All the races I have done in the past were some what small in size which meant small expo

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