
I’ve seen the Year of Running in review posts, but this year I thought I’d participate! I’m joining Courtney @ Eat Pray Run DC for this link up.  It’s been fun seeing what others have been doing this year.  Go check out the other reviews, and join in!

Eat Pray Run DC

It’s been my top mileage year thus far, at a little over 1,750 miles.  I’ve had minimal injuries, but still several pains that have made me miss some runs.  I was also out for 3 weeks due to gum surgery (ugggh, let’s try to forget that experience!).

Races this year:

  • Marathons = 2
  • Half Marathons = 2
  • 5Ks = numerous!

Best race experience

It was a toss up for me between the Boston marathon, and Columbus half marathon.  For Boston, I mean.. it’s Boston baby!!  I felt honored that I was able to be part of this great race and the whole race weekend experience is like no other.  HOWEVER, I so did not enjoy the rain and cold we had this year, so there’s that…  The Columbus half marathon was a great race for me, and they really know how to do it up right.

Powering up those Newton hills!

Best run

My best run was the Churchill’s half marathon which I ran with my new running friend Jamie.  It was her first half marathon and I enjoyed seeing her reach her goals, but I also liked being able to run a race and enjoy it all because I wasn’t racing myself!  It was a slower pace for me, and that gave me the luxury of being able to enjoy the scenery and strike up conversations with the other runners.  I’m sure they all wanted to talk to me in the middle of a race!! 😉


Best new piece of running gear

Love my new Athleta knickers!  Light weight, and the pockets are awesome!

Best running advice you’re received this year

Don’t run all of your long runs at race pace.  You need to run slower to get stronger.

Most inspirational runner

My husband.  He twisted his foot at 53 miles in his first 100 miler ultra, and decided to keep running 20 more miles on it.  Wait, maybe that is just crazy…

2015-06-19 16.34.59 HDR-1

Favorite picture from a run or race this year

This just happened this week!  Clearly enjoying our run together…

2015-12-16 18.45.40
A balmy evening for December in Ohio!!

Race experience you’d repeat in a heartbeat

Full Moon 5K.  We had a fun 5K in the dark this summer, held at a metropark.  Which is very dark!  I  ran with my daughter, and a headlamp.  Running fast in the complete darkness was a new experience for me and it was very interesting!

If you could sum up your year in a couple of words they would be

Wishful, moving forward.  Looking forward to what 2016 brings!


Q:  How would you describe your 2015 in a couple of words?

Q:  Is there a race you are looking forward to in 2016?

Hoping to snag another BQ at the Glass City Marathon in April!



11 thoughts on “Year of Running 2015 – TechChick Adventure Style!”
  1. That last pic of you and your husband- dang you both are insanely good looking!

    I didn’t realize he did a 100 miler!

    2 marathons this year? You are on fire! I am trying to think if I ever did two in a year. I THINK my first year doing marathons I did one in early Nov. and then one in late May.
    Megan @ Meg Go Run recently posted…Weekend Wrap Up!My Profile

    1. Thanks, I think we do make a pretty good couple 🙂 Well, he *almost* made it 100 miles (only 73). He will be back at it again in 2016. It falls on Father’s Day weekend, so he said that’s his present!

  2. Oh, I loved this post! So fun looking back on the full year….. I might need to do this as well.

    OMG, I so had forgotten about your gum surgery, but remembered it so clearly when you mentioned it!!!! I know that was painful!!!!

    And yes, BOSTON would definitely be the race of the year for anyone!!!!!! I agree!!!!

    I am just so glad I found your blog!!!! Love following and seeing what you are up to…. plus, you have motivated me greatly through the last year!! You rock!!!

    1. Yes, you need to come up with something to recap your year! Super fun to look back at. Thanks, I’m very happy to hear that I have motivated you (although you are doing far more butt-kicking than I am at the moment!!). That makes my day 🙂 🙂

      1. I have improved….. but butt-kicking? Ahhh, that last race was because my arch nemesis didn’t show….. but I have PR’d which I am happy with.

        I will have to think about recapping year over Christmas…….. I don’t have much down time…. I get half day Thursday and off Friday, but back to work Saturday

    1. Love to have pockets in my capris! I know it’s not really flattering to shove a bunch of stuff in them… but I like to have it all! I might even branch out to a pair of capris that aren’t solid black one of these days. Gasp!!

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