
Good news and bad news this week.  First, the really good news… I switched my blog to a new hosting company!  Well, it’s really good news because you are reading this, so we can all assume the move went well.  It’s a long story, but I thought I could simply move my site back to free hosting, and that was a disaster.  So I had to cough up some $ and switch it to another company.  Luckily it was only $ for 3 years, so I was good with that.  Thanks HostGator for getting my stuff all in the right place!! 😉  (geez, I wish that was a paid advertisement, but sadly it is not.  I’m just happy it all worked!!!)  So sorry Meg and Kristina, I read your comments yesterday, but they got lost in the move!!


On to the bad news… my hip.  Dang it stupid hip!!  Some days I’m feeling good about my hip condition, and other times during the day I think I’ll never run a “fast” race again in my life!!  UGGGH.  The drama of it all!!  Still debating on just resting it for a while (week) or carrying on easy as I have been trying to.

So, for week 2 of training, it’s been a bit of a downer.  Let me clarify – Glass City Marathon will be my 10th marathon.  Yep, my 10th!  This is not my first rodeo, I’ve been through the training routine.  But I’ve never started a training cycle with such an injury so it’s really throwing me off a bit.  The struggle between wanting to do well at the race (BQ!), and not making a little injury into an even bigger injury!  Sigh.  With that said, recap of last weeks training:

  • Happy to report all miles scheduled were run, even pace work during long run last week

This week’s training plan:

  • Mon – Done!  4 EASY, SLOW recovery miles.  I was pretty sore on Monday.  I think it was from doing weights on Sunday.
  • Tues – Rest!  (and icing, and stretching…)
  • Wed – 10 miles (not speedy, just easy miles), and weights
  • Thurs – 4 miles (I will not do this if the 10 miles makes me too sore)
  • Fri – 14 miles long run, weights
  • Sat – Rest!  (cross train at the gym)
  • Sun – 8 miles (might have 4 miles at half marathon pace, might not!)
  • Mon – 5 miles recovery

Fingers crossed I get through it all!!


Q:  How’s your year going this far?  Starting out healthy, or struggling with anything?

Q:  Have you been to the gym yet in 2016?  

I haven’t yet, but I’m sure there are lots of new member faces waiting for me there!

Q: Do you still have your Christmas decorations up at home?



4 thoughts on “Training Tuesday – Glass City Marathon 1/5/16 edition”
  1. Starting this training cycle 100% healthy. Last time I had to cut 2 weeks off the start because of screwing up my ankle during the Mohican trail run.

    1. That’s great!! I guess I did have a knee issue going on last Dec/Jan… and it took 6 mos for that to go away – and Boston turned out just fine. There’s hope!

  2. I’m with you on struggling through the start of the new year. I really reduced my mileage in November and December while I was recovering from my first marathon/busy with the holidays. I was hoping to bring it back up in January so I could start training for real in February, but the cold that I have been fighting refuses to let go. I was feeling better on Monday so I went out for a run that night. I felt so much worse on Tuesday. So now I guess I am not running for another few days. And then I will be on vacation for a week with no running. This was definitely not the get back on track month that I expected it to be.
    Heather @ShoesRun50 recently posted…Goodbye 2015, hello 2016!My Profile

  3. Stooooop the drama!!!! You WILL run fast again. I know it. 🙂

    10 marathons!!?? Wow!!! I feel like I should know how many marathons I ran but I don’t off the top of my head. I need to count. Okay I ran 8 marathons and two ultras and one of my training runs for the ultra was longer than marathon distance. I know, can you imagine running a marathon and it is NOT and actual race and it doesn’t “count” as a marathon!? Actually you probably can cause Alan prob does it all the time. 🙂
    Megan @ Meg Go Run recently posted…What’s up!?My Profile

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