Well I guess my blog title was a spoiler alert – I did have a great long run! We had an odd last couple of days here. On Thursday, it finally snowed! I think that is the 2nd time this winter it has snowed. It was enough to make the world look beautiful, and the schools to be closed.
Unfortunately I was working, but the Alan and the kids got to run around in it and go sledding for the first time this season. By the time Friday came, the snow was still on the ground, but the trails were all cleared. Woohoo! That was great because I decided I needed to run far on Friday. Not only did I plan on going 20 miles this week, instead of next week, I also decided it was a fine time to go for 22 miles. I like to get at least one of those 22 mile run in before the marathon, even though they are not on my plan. I can’t mentally imagine running 6 miles farther than my longest training distance at a race, but 4 miles, that’s do-able!
Also a bonus, when you run an out-and-back path, it’s just one mile farther. That’s nothing! Luckily for me the weather ended up being perfect. I was a little bummed when I first started out because it was cloudy. But after a few miles the sun came out and it was quite a cheery day, around 28 degrees.
I had planned on listening to podcasts on the way out, but ended up finishing up the audiobook I was listening to (“Bossypants” by Tina Fey – quite funny!). On the way back I just jammed to my tunes, which was the perfect motivation to keep me going. I do like to run with people, but sometimes I just need to zone out and not think about making conversation!
The way out I was little mindful of my heart rate and kept my pace conservative. My plan was to run 9:30 on the way out, but a little faster was a better rhythm, so I kept the pace in the 9:20s. Here’s my splits going out: 9:17, 9:12, 9:21, 9:21, 9:22, 9:22, 9:24, 9:26, 9:19, 9:21, 9:20
It took me a few miles to get settled in at the right pace. On the way back I tried to pick it up just a little and wanted to see 9:10s on watch:
9:07, 9:12, 9:12, 9:15, 9:15, 9:15, 9:14, 9:08, 9:13, 9:21, 9:12
Outside of mile 21 (oops, wasn’t paying attention I guess!), the splits on the way back were faster than the way out. Negative splits!! Hey, I know it’s not a huge difference, but goal achieved! The one goal I did not make was being able to get some pace miles in at the end, but by far the best thing about this run was it felt comfortable. I did not feel like I was going to pass out and die when I got to the end. I had enough energy to take a few pictures (above!). I was still sore in the glutes, but not as painful as I have been.
My husband even had a fancy iced coffee for me when I got home. So yep, the best run I’ve had in a LONG time. It made me feel confident. We all need those runs every now and then! I think the success was a combination of these factors: great weather, a very defined out-and-back course (I have to know where the start and stop will be. I hate running around in circles to get my miles in, and resorting to a Plan B!), music for motivation, not quite as sore from cutting back on strength training.
Heres’ a fun snow sculpture that our neighbors made. Get it?

Have a great weekend!
Q: Have you had any great runs lately?
Q: For a long run, do you take a hand held water bottle, or some sort of belt?
I have been using my water belt. It’s not attractive on me by any means, but it sure frees up my hands and my arms aren’t sore from holding water for hours 🙂
Q: Do like an out-and-back course?
I have found that some people loathe out-and-back courses. I find this quite surprising! They are my fav!!
Yay!!! I am so happy you had such a strong long run and you are feeling confident! I love that you post about your long runs before I go out for mine on Saturdays. It’s nice to have some inspiration! Today is tempo for me so I will only be going 9-10 miles.
Sometimes I like out and backs sometimes I don’t. Totally depends on my mood!
Megan @ Meg Go Run recently posted…My 1000th Post!!!
I hope you had a great run! Glad to hear I am inspiring you!! I’m enjoying my restful Saturday 🙂
My longest training run on my Marathon plan was 18 miles…. I had thought about going long than that one day because I wanted to see how I would feel after 20 or 22 miles, but I decided not to and go by “trust the plan.” But mentally, I keep on thinking, Oh man…. how will I go 8 more miles? Will it feel ok? Will I hit the wall (Which I have never done), will I cramp….. I try so hard to keep these thoughts away and not get anxious…. but sometimes, those thoughts consume me……. anyhow, I am in taper mode with marathon next week, so too late to try anything crazy. I am as ready as I will ever be……
You have very consistent speedy splits! You will ROCK your marathon!!!!!! I often think of you when running because our lives have been kinda parallel… you definitely inspire me!!!!
Oh, an one more thing…. the snow sculptures are awesome!
Our neighbors come up with really cool sculpture ideas. Always impressive! I’ll be crossing my fingers for you on race day! You will see some crazy stuff out there on the race course, especially in the last miles. I don’t think you will be one of them though. Your training has gone really well. Just keep your head and run your race 🙂
Before I started running with Dave’s training program I didn’t carry water because I would schedule my miles around certain water stops. Now that our long runs aren’t always near water stops, I do carry a small hand held.
Amanda @ There Are Two Sides recently posted…Note to Self:
I used to never carry water, and I don’t drink much, but my hand held is like my security blanket now. I feel a bit freaked out when I don’t have it, even though I don’t drink much! But it also has my mace spray in it, so I guess it is my security blanket!!