
We are down to 8 weeks until the Mercy Health Glass City Marathon.  I have a mixed up schedule this week, so I’m reviewing my week on Sunday night instead of my normal Monday.  It’s all good – the training is getting done! Click this link to see any Training Tuesdays you may have missed.

I really mixed it up last week.  Remember I had that decision to make about Thursday, and Friday running?  I decided to run on Thursday (5 recovery miles) and for my long run on Friday, I went 22 miles!  You may have heard that I was pretty happy with that long run.  Overall it was 30 seconds slower than my marathon pace (which is a heck of a lot, really!), but it left me with some great confidence about my training.  Sunday morning was an 8 mile run, which started out slow (and felt hard!) and ended up being faster with each mile as I finished.  Love those runs!

I’m still hanging in there with the glute soreness issues, but dealing with it.  With all of those runs, my weekly total was 55 miles last week.  Woohoo!

running checklist
Another high mileage week for me!

This week I’m going to have a shortened week, due to vacation plans, and will need to just shuffle in a few of the runs from last week with this week…  swap some, drop some.

Here’s what’s on tap this week:

  • Monday – Schedule says: 11 miles, with 7 miles at half marathon pace.  However, my family is going to a “Quantum Leap Day” run (2.9 miles) with our fun loving Toledo Roadrunners, so I’ll run 8.1 miles (one mile warmup and the rest temp0)  Gym day.  Weights, but not too hard.
  • Tuesday – Rest day!  Stretch, foam roll, pray to the “healing Gods”.
  • Wednesday – 14 miles, this was my long run distance from last week.  Gym day, easy biking.
  • Thursday – 8 miles, recovery
  • Friday, Saturday, Sunday…  ski, ski, ski!!
  • Total = 33 running miles.  Lots of skiing, and lots of awesome family time!!

My vacation will probably involve some running.  Which will be super slow, and characterized by me wheezing trying in vain to catch my breath at 9,280 feet altitude!  But hey, a run is a run! 😉

They’re back!!  On random note – I totally forgot to take a picture of it, but we all enjoyed McDonald’s Shamrock shakes this weekend.  They are the best part of March I think!


Q: Do you have a post-run routine?  

I have to do glute stretches immediately afterwards.  In the evenings I like to stretch and foam roll while I watch TV.

Q:  Got any cool Leap Year things going on this year?

Q:  Do you like Shamrock shakes??

6 thoughts on “Training Tuesday, on Monday! Glass City Marathon, 8 weeks”
  1. I’ve been trying to get in the habit of bringing my foam roller into the living room at night so I can watch tv and roll at the same time. My legs have really been needing it lately.

    Awesome week and awesome job on that 22 mile run!
    Heather @ShoesRun50 recently posted…5k Training: Week 4My Profile

    1. Foam rolling used to make my glutes sorer it seemed, but this time around it’s been feeling pretty good. I also do my PT exercises while we watch TV too. Such productive time!

  2. 55 miles, you are a MACHINE!!! 🙂 Nice job on your 22 miler as well. 🙂 You deserve several Shamrock Shakes! I have actually never had one! Have a great time skiing! 🙂 Paul and I are going to travel out that way this summer.
    Megan @ Meg Go Run recently posted…Weekend Wrap Up!My Profile

  3. I LOVE THE NEW LAY OUT of your blog!!!!! Awesome!!!!!!

    Post run routine…. I always stretch afterwards….actually I walk a 1/2-1 miles and then stretch. Seems to have helped by aches and soreness. Also, I just recently really started to look into some yoga…. not too much into it because I lack flexibility and worry that I will pull something before my first marathon Saturday…. LOL! Don’t want to do anything new… know what I mean. But afterwards, when I can walk and such, I think I am going to look more into this yoga thing! It is way harder than it looks!!!!!!

    Never tried the shamrock shakes…. may have to treat my 6 year old to one!!!!

    1. Thanks – I decided to just “push the button” on the new blog theme. How bad could it be? haha I do want to tweak a few things, but 90% of it I’m happy with so far.
      I’m surprised to hear another reader has never had shamrock shakes! You must try on for St. Patty’s day. So good!

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