2016-02-05 14.45.20

I’m happy to report that my 18 mile long run this past weekend was a success!  I ran it based totally on heart rate.  My range was supposed to be between 148 – 166 to be in the correct training zone.  I didn’t care at all what my pace was, but any time that looked down and saw my HR too high, I would slow down a little to get it back in range.

Average HR 167. A nice range of colors!

In the beginning it did feel a bit slow, but by the end it felt slightly comfortably hard.  And compared to my last longer run, I was not crawling back to my house at the end 🙂

I have to admit, it made for quite an enjoyable run!  I wasn’t burned out after I was half way through.  When I got to the last two miles I decided to pick up the pace a little, and was happy that my last mile was my fastest!  It wasn’t super star fast or anything, but faster at any speed with good with me!

I was most surprised to see how consist my splits were.  The 2nd mile was a bit slower because I stopped to re-tie my shoes.  And at the half way point when I was watching my Garmin waiting for the mile mark to hit!


Looks like the HR zone training will definitely be used for my next long run happening this Friday…  the 20 miler.  Duh duh daaaa!!!!

Outside of my long run, I did no other running this past weekend.  It was a ski trip to Canada, which was a good time!

2016-02-06 09.45.38


Q: When was the last time you traveled outside of the country?  Where did you go??

Q: Have you had any good runs you’d like to report?

3 thoughts on “Weekend long run, in the zone, and out of the country!”
  1. Congrats on an awesome 18 miler!! 🙂 You are going to be so ready for your 20.

    I have only been out of the country… once! We were in Buffalo, NY and spent one afternoon in Canada to see Niagara Falls. This was back before you needed a passport. I don’t even have a passport!
    Megan @ Meg Go Run recently posted…Paint NiteMy Profile

    1. Yes, I remember the “no passport needed” days. They have strip clubs in Windsor and it used to the the destination for all of the bachelorette parties back when I got married. I bet that business has dried up quite a bit!!

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