So last night I was looking at a new WordPress theme, and then I just pushed the Activate button!  What fun, right?  I do like the new blog look, but I still want to tweak some stuff.  I especially like the price – free!  Who doesn’t like to be refreshed every now and then?  If you read this in a blog reader, stop on by the website and see my new blog.  I’m kind of feeling the same way.  I got a hair cut and it feels like my hair a lot shorter.  It was only 2 inches, but it feels so short!

We had two interesting events this week.  First was the Quantum Leap Run.  This is another club run for us, so the whole family ran for only $4.  Love those runs!  2.9 miles, of course.

2016-02-29 18.26.26

My husband and I ran with my son, but my daughter took off and raced it.

2016-03-01 12.20.46

2016-03-01 07.14.50
No, I do not know why that guy had a green morph suit on!


Sydney did really well on her own.  Average pace was 7:58.  Good job!!

2016-02-29 19.03.16

Here’s our Northwest Ohio She RUNS this Town group.  A great group of running friends!

2016-02-29 20.11.09

The second “event” was our home furnace going out!  Not nearly as fun as getting together with a group of friends and running.  And no where near as warm either!  I was pretty well convinced we would all freeze in our house after the temperature dropped past 65.  Luckily a neighbor loaned us a space heater to keep the heat in our bedroom at night.  It was a family campout in our room.  My son thought it was the best thing ever!

2016-03-02 20.56.22

In the morning the kitchen temp was 57.  Warmer than I expected, and livable, but certainly not comfortable.

Have a great weekend!!


Q:  Do you have a “handy man” at your house?  Is it you??

Q:  Did you attend/participate in anything Leap year related, or was it just another day?

3 thoughts on “Quantum Leap – new Spring look!”
    1. Oh yeah, totally left out that it was a Leap Day run. Get it, 29th? Don’t worry, it took my husband a while to make the connection too!! 🙂

  1. How neat, a leap day run!! There wasn’t anything around here like that! So fun!

    Isn’t it funny how when things go bad, or so you think, like the furnace going out, it provides for such a fun, memorable time with family like camping out int he same room! That happen to us, but with our AC unit in Sept!! The hottest time ever in South georgia…. my husband and I literally went right to lowes to buy one of those cheap window AC units and stayed in the one bedroom until the AC repair man came on Monday…. and of course the AC went out Saturday when no one is available to come fix it unless you pay a ridiculous on call fee for them to do so! LOL! 😀

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