I’m back at my happy 633 ft above sea level again!! Just yesterday morning I was out huffing it up at 12,900 ft altitude. It was a blistering 10 degrees out there. By the time I got back to the condo my legs and arms were red!
We didn’t get home from our trip until 11:00pm last night (and hit the pillow just after midnight), but that didn’t stop me from going out for a short run this morning. I had no business being out there running, since I would be totally crunched for time trying to make it to work on time, but I just couldn’t resist with the temperature being almost 60 degrees! Well, the beautiful weather, and also the fact that I was so tired I could have broken down in tears if someone looked at me the wrong way. Do you ever get that way when you are super tired? Geez, it’s frustrating.
In addition to perking me up, running in shorts outside for the first time this year felt liberating!! And the fear of being late for work made me really pick up the pace 🙂
I’ll tell you more about my vacation later. So many beautiful mountain pictures and stories to share!
Q: What’s the coldest temperature you will run in outside?
It’s been cold in Ohio, but 10 degrees in Colorado seemed *extra* cold! Maybe I just needed a few more layers.
Q: How long does it take you to get ready for work in the morning.
Just depends if I’m washing my hair. I did get ready in 35 mins this morning, including washing my hair. Score!!
Q: Do you ever get so tired you feel like crying?
Anything with a “-” in the outside temps makes me rethink if I really want to be outside running! Single digit temps are tough enough, but going below zero mentally makes it seem worse!
Wowwww I totally would have slept in! But good for you for getting up early and getting your run done! Not only that, but you BLOGGED today! I ran in shorts this AM too and it was magical. I have run in negative temps before but this year I decided on the arbitrary number of 7 degrees as being the coldest I will run in. Luckily, we will not see temps like that again until next year!
Megan @ Meg Go Run recently posted…Randomy Randomness!
I actually did “sleep in” because I didn’t get up extra early to run, just when my kids got up for school (6am!). Which was also too early!! But after they got on the bus I went for a run. It was magical outside here too!
After a day of traveling like that I definitely would have chosen extra sleep over a run. Well done!
How was running at elevation? I’m doing a race this summer at 7,000-8,000 feet and have no idea what to expect. I’ll be running it for fun not a goal time, but I’m hoping the elevation won’t completely destroy my ability to run.
Heather [is probably running] recently posted…5k Training: Week 5
Running up that high was pretty exhausting! It made me feel really out of shape. If you’re running for fun it wouldn’t be bad. But for me personally, I was challenged!!