
They say 3 is the magic number, but I’m really hoping it’s 10 instead!  Tomorrow’s marathon will be my 10th marathon.  I can hardly believe I’ve run that many.  Yikes!

I’ve enjoyed being an Ambassador for the Glass City Marathon this year, and have met so many people being involved with Glass City, and also with our local She RUNS This Town.  Today I spent the morning helping out at the race expo at the Information table.  It was great to see all of the energy around the race in my hometown!


Just a quick note before I race tomorrow… I will be running with my phone tomorrow so if you leave a comment on this blog post between 7am and 10:50am (hopefully!), I will be able to see it on my watch while I’m running!  I won’t be able to read the message, but I will see who it’s from and I’ll just assume you are wishing me well 🙂

Well, that’s it for now.  Time to hit the hay.  Fingers crossed that’s made the right decision on shorts vs capris, pacing, fueling, and all of those other things that add up to great race!


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