My last really long run on my training schedule was 20 miles, and that coincided nicely with the training run put on by the Toledo Roadrunners and Dave’s Running shop. I chose to run the 22 mile distance, because I just feel that better prepares me for the 26.2 miles that lies ahead of me on April 24th. I was surprised to find out that this run was only $5 for TRRC members, and not the $10 I thought it was. Deal!!
When my alarm went off at 6:30 this morning, running 22 miles was the last thing I wanted to do. It was dark and cold out. Just plain blah. And, my glutes were still sore from the 11 miles I ran on Thursday. But, the show must go on, so Alan and I drove to the park for the 7:30 start. I wasn’t expecting much, and was armed with an iPod full of new podcasts and music to keep me entertained.
Luckily, when I was standing in the start line I ran into a friend whom I have run with a couple of times before. She actually runs the same pace as me, so it was perfect. I knew she was going to be there, and I mentioned to her on Thursday that maybe we could “run a few miles together”. I wasn’t really sure I wanted to run with anyone, so that was a kind of casual commitment. As luck would have it, we ended up running all 22 miles together!

I was super happy as our miles clicked off and we were getting sub 9:00 miles for most miles. My previous paces at this run were 9:06 and 9:05 overall, so I’d be happy with anything 9:0x. I wasn’t trying to run fast, just whatever felt marathon “easy”.
The weather turned out great and the sun was shining for most of the run, even though it was chilly. There were a lot of people there and it was fun to cheer on the other runners in the out and back sections of the course. My glutes were a “pain in the ass” pretty much for the entire run, but I “embraced the suck” and refocused the pain thinking that the pain in my glutes was the power that was pushing me ahead. Whatever, it worked. I knew this was the last really long run, and after that, some much needed rest.
As we cruised in for the last mile I was SUPER pleased to have the overall pace at 8:54. Nice!!! And best of all, I felt like this run was solid. The kind of run that’s a confidence booster because I didn’t feel like I was going to collapse at the end. Heck, I didn’t even go into body shakes with blue lips. Win!!!

On the drive home I was totally irked because I had only run 21.91 miles, and not 22. I really felt ripped off! So when I got home, I ran out to the mailbox and down the sidewalk to get the missing .1 miles in. 🙂 Hey, I know you would have done the same thing!!!
I’m glad we had such nice weather this morning, because later in the afternoon it snowed with huge snowflakes!!
The snow didn’t stick, but it was a nice sight while I chilled out and played a game of Life with the family. Of course I won – the banker always wins 🙂
With this awesome last long run under my belt, I look forward to giving those glutes some rest and healing up.
How about you? ….
Q: Do you like to play Life?
Love it! It takes quite a long time to play, but I think it’s a fun educational game which teaches kids that it’s a great idea to get a college degree! And it’s really funny when your family members have to change jobs and get the really low paying Salesclerk job!! 😉
Q: If given the chance, would you race with someone (same pace) or just go it alone (to listen to tunes!)?
Q: Would you have run the rest to make up the 22 miles or just let it go??
Nice job! I feel like a slacker for only going 17 miles today.
So, funny, I just wrote my blog posting and used the word “blah” to describe weather here and the fact that I was simply feeling “blah!” Only difference between your weather and weather here in the south is that it was HOT and humid! YUCK!!! I can’t stand running with humidity. I run better in cooler weather!
Girl, you rocked those 22 miles!!!!!!!! i see you running great at your marathon later this month!!!!! Just remember you have a fan in Georgia cheering for you!!!!! 🙂
I think I would have only ran 20….. I am a slacker like that!!! Not to say that I didn’t “think” about running longer during my training…… but I always run my exact miles and then I am DONE! LOL!
I haven’t played LIFE in forever!!!! When my son is a bit older, I will introduce him to it!!! 🙂
Oh, I totally would have run the last .1!!! 🙂
Congrats on a great strong run! And so perfect that you ended up being able to run it with a friend. You are READY.
Megan @ Meg Go Run recently posted…Race Recap: Capital 10-miler
I was so surprised with my husband cheering me at the finish, and my friend having a friend cheering her, so that was why I stopped (deer in the headlights situation!). Oh yeah, gotta get the full 22 in 🙂 Thanks, it was a confidence building run for sure!!
Awesome long run/race! You are definitely ready for Glass City!
I probably would have just let that last 0.1 mile segment go. 21.9 would be close enough for me (unless I noticed before I stopped my watch. Then I would keep running. But later in the day, no way!).
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