It’s National Running Day today.  Did you get your run on??  I ran twice!  The training plan said “6 easy miles”, so I ran 3 in the AM and then another 3 miles at our running club’s 5K.

Sadly though, I had a sucky run in the morning because the glute pain was back in full force.  I went to PT yesterday and thought it was time to start introducing some strengthening exercises back into my routine.  The hamstring pain was gone, but I still have a lower intensity lingering glute pain.

Unfortunately I think the exercises that were given to me just angered the whole situation again and I spent all of my morning run wishing it was over so I could go home and stretch it out.  Then, feeling pain as I sat around at work 🙁

And the 5K at night…

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Dude…. I crushed it! Well, maybe not crushed, but I did PR!! Woooot!  I wasn’t even planning on racing it, in fact, I felt pretty bummed out about the pain during the day and was questioning if I could even run.  Since it was just me and Sydney running, we each ran our own pace and my first mile clicked off at 8:00.  Not bad considering I wasn’t really trying hard, and there was a hill.

When my second mile was 8:09, I decided to just keep up the pace.  And then I started doing the math.  Then I saw the clock at the end with 24 on it… and I ran my little heart out!  I think the clock was 24:48 when I crossed.  My previous PR was 24:57.  My watch said 24:56… so either way, PR time baby!!  I am super excited about this time because it was such a surprise.  And one of the best parts of this race – I met some new local runners, and I passed 3 people who told me “good job” and to keep up the great pace.  Love them runners!

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Hope your running day went as good as mine did!!


Q:  Did you get out an run on Weds?

Q:  Did you convince any of your non-running co-workers to lace up??

No, I didn’t.  But I may have convinced a co-worker to run a half marathon in the Fall.   Yippie!

4 thoughts on “Happy National Running Day!”
  1. Hey!!!! A PR on Running Day is perfect! Congratulations. 🙂 I am sorry your glute pain came back. When I have glute pain I do NOT do hydrants and stuff like that because it does seem to anger it! Which is like sort of contradictory so I just decided I have to do that stuff when I am *well* because when it’s there I can’t do it. 🙁
    Megan @ Meg Go Run recently posted…SHUT UP, BRAIN!!!!My Profile

    1. I know, it’s a vicious cycle – doing the exercises to strengthen and “help” but then it just angers instead. Sigh. Hoping to find a better balance soon!

    1. Thanks! I was a total surprise. I was planning on running with my son, but he didn’t attend. I’m kinda glad because he would have held me back! Hope it wasn’t just a fluke 🙂

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