We had a really busy Friday & Saturday here at my house.  It felt like we crammed an entire week’s worth of fun events in to just one 48 hr period!  I am exaggerating slightly, but it was quite busy!

Friday started out with my long run.  Since we had plans, I got out there in the dark yet again, despite the incident last week, but this time it was a little lighter out, and I stayed in the street.  My run actually went quite well which was surprising as heck because Thursday’s run was sweaty, humid, and just darn right sucky!!  In fact, when I was finished with my run it recommended 3.5 DAYS to recover.  WTF?  Have you ever seen numbers that high?  And, do you ever listen to them?  I certainly did not because 24 hrs later I needed to run again 🙂

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After I cleaned up from my run we headed off to Cedar Point again, just my husband and I, because it was a beautiful day, and why not??   We are getting our money’s worth out of our season passes for sure.  It was a perfect day for coaster riding – we got on our favorite rides with a wait of 15 mins or less!!  Here we are waiting for Maverick, my favorite coaster!!

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Maverick goes 70 mph, but is oh so smooth!


When the kids got home from school on Friday, we headed over to the Humane Society.  We picked up a new foster kitten!  He’s so cute!  We’ll only have him for about 2 weeks until he “fattens up”.  He’s a mini-Luna, and Luna does love him already!  We are having a hard time remembering to say “he” because we always have female cats, so of course this one is also referred to as “she” all of the time!

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His name is Smudge!


We settled the kitten in his new home, and headed out for a night at the ball game!  The Toledo Mud Hens were playing the Columbus Clippers.  We had great seats and enjoyed the night.  The Mud Hens won too!

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On Saturday, the kids and I headed over to the University of Toledo.  We were volunteers at a color stop for The Color Run!  I had run a Color Run with the kids many years ago, but had forgotten how wonderful the color substance was.  It felt like soft sand, and even though it makes a big mess, it washes right off.  Initially we stayed pretty clean, but still had to learn our new jobs.

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#1 rule – no spraying in the face!


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Our tools – 50 lbs of color, and some spray bottles. We went through around 10 boxes of color at our station!


We waited, and waited for the festivities to begin.  So many white shirts waiting to be colored.  Orange was ready!!

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It was so much fun when the first runners came through!  No one was missed.

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And soon, our color stop was just a large patch of color.  It was impossible to avoid just getting it all over.  Especially when you were making color angels.

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Good thing I wore my Newtons which were orange to begin with!

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This volunteer job was a hit for sure.  However, it also made the kids want to run one again, so who knows if we’ll be a color runner, or a color thrower next year!

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Oh, and one piece of advice if you ever participate in a Color Run…. don’t forget to bring towels to sit on in your car!!  I didn’t think of that and had quite a bit of powder to vacuum out.  Luckily it vacuums up just as easy as it washes off in the shower 🙂


Q:  Have you ever participated in a Color Run?  Volunteer, runner or just spectator?

Q:  Do you attend any local sports regularly? (baseball, hockey, football…)

Q:  Have you ever seen any crazy high recovery times on your watch before??  

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