Did you catch that I had wanted to go apple picking last weekend? The MacQueen’s orchard is our destination of choice and we pretty much only had one free night to do it – so we went on Tuesday! You’d think there would just be crickets there on a Tuesday night, but actually there were quite a few families there picking apples and getting some delicious treats from the store. Curses on you people standing in line next to me with the donuts. They smelled soooooooooooo good! We were on a mission… apple picking!
Before I show you our pictures I wanted to tell you that if you’re thinking about running the MacQueen’s Run for Your Life 5K or 10K (and kids run), the registration fee will go up on Saturday, so sign up now to save $5 and guarantee your shirt size!
Click on this link to sign up.
Apple picking is a Fall family tradition for us. We drive our truck out into the orchards and pick several varieties.

When I see family pictures like this I’m reminded of how big my kids are getting. Well, this, and when I share shoes with my daughter!!
We used to actually stand on the truck to reach the top apples, but now my kids just take the direct approach of climbing the tree!
It’s also fun looking at the outtakes and see what my camera caught when I was screwing around with the tripod and the camera timer.

Q: Do you have any foods that you pick at the farm? – apples, pumpkins, strawberries?
Q: Have you had any professional, studio portraits taken lately?
Not since I bought my Cannon DSLR!
Q: The 2017 Boston marathon cut off was announced to be 2:09. Did you, or any bummed out friend, not make the cut for 2017?
It would have been a close call for me. Targeting 3:52:30 would have got it for me, 3:53:00 would not! Glad I didn’t even have to stress about that this year! Sorry for those who didn’t make it 🙁
When you tell me that I can’t wear a shirt that has running, beer, or the word “sucks” on it….you eliminate like 95% of my wardrobe!!! Wait, I do have a few from Mexico, but those have tequila on them.
Tequila on them, literally. haha
Awwww you guys look super cute! This time of year i miss the states a lot 🙁 Apple picking, pumpking picking, thanksgiving… my favourite season and trust me when I tell you, the English don’t know how to do it 🙁
Ellen @ Tale of Two Runs recently posted…Athens Marathon – Training log Week #13 & HUGE milestone!
Hope to bump into you and Hack in less than two weeks. If not, good luck!
Indeed! You running the full?
I am. My sister just moved up that way so free lodging! My wife and Brother in law are running as well.
You can’t beat that! Good luck to all of you!
Congrats on that awesome time!!! You really crushed it! I melted out there 🙂
Thanks! I am still on cloud 9. Way to battle through a tough day. I have never had that much salt formed on my body!