For the last few days this week the weather has been pretty darn cold. Me and the treadmill have become good friends again!
“feels like 11” ~ “will freeze my a$$ off, and looks dark and dismal” is pretty much what I translated that into.
So I happily traded in my morning runs outside for some hours on the treadmill. When my Friday long run came along I even got geared up to run outside, but walking to the bus stop with the kids felt frigid, so I ran on the treadmill again instead! 10 miles of TV watching was not bad. (and Fuller House has new episodes on Netflix. Yeah!)

But Sunday morning was a different story. I was going to run 6 miles either Monday or Sunday, depending on how I felt. I like to start my week out right with a run on Monday, but if I happened to wake up early on Sunday, I’d just get it done then. Just my luck – I woke up around 6:35am (thanks to a meowing kitty), and the ground was covered with inches of fresh new snow!! Our neighborhood looked like a perfect winter wonderland.
I was actually quite excited to get outside in run in the beautiful fresh powder! I even grabbed my headlamp so I was prepared.
Somehow I even managed to grab my SmartWool socks out of my drawer in the dark of my bedroom – and got to wear my Bocos (Newton trail shoes) for the first time this year. My feet were perfectly warm and cozy.
I saw no one else out running. So peaceful.
One bad thing – my decision to wear my hair out of a ponytail was not a wise one. It looked like a wild animal sleeping on the back of my head by the time I made it home. Dang it. My blowout was shot.
Another 6 miles done. Actually 6.2 because a 10K this morning sounded cooler 🙂 And here’s a cute pic from my phone… we went to a family Christmas party last night. Someone asked my son if he wanted to hold the baby. He said “sure!”. Glad to see he’s not afraid.
Hope you had a great weekend and are getting all ready for the holidays.
Q: Did you get any snow this weekend?
Q: Do you have a different shoe for trail/snow running?
Q: Are you hosting any holiday parties at your house this year?
We JUST got snow this morning! It has totally derailed my running plans. 🙁 I don’t want to slip and fall and it has definitely coated the ground.
Megan @ Meg Go Run recently posted…What got me out the door yesterday morning…
This was the first real snowfall we got, which started last night. It wasn’t slippery on my run, but when I was out shopping later, I almost slid into a tree in a parking area. Scared the crap out of me! Toooooooo close. Not my beautiful car!! (I was not worried about us inside the car because we were driving very slow)
I hope you got to run sometime today, and stayed upright!!
That is scary!! Glad your car and you guys are ok. It did get warmer and melted so I was able to do 8!
Megan @ Meg Go Run recently posted…What got me out the door yesterday morning…
Snow looks so pretty but I usually don’t run in it. I wait till the roads are really clear, since I have to run in streets. The trails near me are too technical when they are covered, I would go flying if I couldn’t see the tree branches and dips, but i do walk them 🙂
Your trail looks pretty good, is it paved or dirt?
Karen recently posted…Panama City Beach Half Marathon
That trail is a paved Rails to Trails path. It’s only a mile from my house and I can get at least 20 miles on it (out and back). Great place to do speedwork too with a flat area with no cross streets.
A technical trail would not be good for me – I would definitely face plant!!
I’m 30 and I still get nervous when someone asks if I want to hold their baby. This is why I’ll be a cat lady for life, lol.
I haven’t been running much lately and the huge snowfall has not made running outside any more enticing…but I like seeing you embrace it. Makes me think I should maybe make time for a run soon.
Heather [is probably running] recently posted…One and done
Ha! Even for me it was odd to hold a baby again… and then you feel like everyone is staring at you when you hold the baby… yeah, I get it 🙂
I don’t mind cold, but when the windchill is -10 that is bitter cold and no fun to run in!