For the last few days this week the weather has been pretty darn cold.  Me and the treadmill have become good friends again!

2016-12-09 09.23.17

“feels like 11” ~  “will freeze my a$$ off, and looks dark and dismal” is pretty much what I translated that into.

2016-12-09 07.20.26

So I happily traded in my morning runs outside for some hours on the treadmill.  When my Friday long run came along I even got geared up to run outside, but walking to the bus stop with the kids felt frigid, so I ran on the treadmill again instead!  10 miles of TV watching was not bad.  (and Fuller House has new episodes on Netflix.  Yeah!)

2016-12-09 07.21.29
Stuff I was going to use outside. I really was thinking about running outside!


But Sunday morning was a different story.  I was going to run 6 miles either Monday or Sunday, depending on how I felt.  I like to start my week out right with a run on Monday, but if I happened to wake up early on Sunday, I’d just get it done then.  Just my luck – I woke up around 6:35am (thanks to a meowing kitty), and the ground was covered with inches of fresh new snow!!  Our neighborhood looked like a perfect winter wonderland.

2016-12-11 07.14.45

I was actually quite excited to get outside in run in the beautiful fresh powder!  I even grabbed my headlamp so I was prepared.

2016-12-11 07.01.05

Somehow I even managed to grab my SmartWool socks out of my drawer in the dark of my bedroom – and got to wear my Bocos (Newton trail shoes) for the first time this year.  My feet were perfectly warm and cozy.

2016-12-11 07.45.01

I saw no one else out running.  So peaceful.

2016-12-11 07.44.44

One bad thing – my decision to wear my hair out of a ponytail was not a wise one.  It looked like a wild animal sleeping on the back of my head by the time I made it home.  Dang it.  My blowout was shot.

2016-12-11 08.07.27

Another 6 miles done.  Actually 6.2 because a 10K this morning sounded cooler 🙂  And here’s a cute pic from my phone… we went to a family Christmas party last night.  Someone asked my son if he wanted to hold the baby.  He said “sure!”.  Glad to see he’s not afraid.

2016-12-10 17.26.27

Hope you had a great weekend and are getting all ready for the holidays.


Q:  Did you get any snow this weekend?

Q:  Do you have a different shoe for trail/snow running?

Q:  Are you hosting any holiday parties at your house this year?

8 thoughts on “I finally made it outside!!”
    1. This was the first real snowfall we got, which started last night. It wasn’t slippery on my run, but when I was out shopping later, I almost slid into a tree in a parking area. Scared the crap out of me! Toooooooo close. Not my beautiful car!! (I was not worried about us inside the car because we were driving very slow)
      I hope you got to run sometime today, and stayed upright!!

  1. Snow looks so pretty but I usually don’t run in it. I wait till the roads are really clear, since I have to run in streets. The trails near me are too technical when they are covered, I would go flying if I couldn’t see the tree branches and dips, but i do walk them 🙂
    Your trail looks pretty good, is it paved or dirt?
    Karen recently posted…Panama City Beach Half MarathonMy Profile

    1. That trail is a paved Rails to Trails path. It’s only a mile from my house and I can get at least 20 miles on it (out and back). Great place to do speedwork too with a flat area with no cross streets.
      A technical trail would not be good for me – I would definitely face plant!!

  2. I’m 30 and I still get nervous when someone asks if I want to hold their baby. This is why I’ll be a cat lady for life, lol.

    I haven’t been running much lately and the huge snowfall has not made running outside any more enticing…but I like seeing you embrace it. Makes me think I should maybe make time for a run soon.
    Heather [is probably running] recently posted…One and doneMy Profile

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