Sunday was the big day.  The day my half marathon training plan started!!  I don’t know about you, but a new training plan holds a world of possibilities.  Like a wrapped present under the Christmas tree, or that first page on the new year calendar.  Opportunities and possibilities of success!! [or 12 weeks of underwhelming runs, nagging injuries,  and poor execution!  But let’s hope for the former 😉 ]


I decided to go with the 12 week training plan for the Owens Corning Half marathon at the Glass City Marathon on April 23rd.  Have you heard of it? 😉  If not, then I am not doing my job as race Ambassador!!  If you’re new to my blog, here is a link to the races that day.  A full, half, 5K and relay will be going on.  AND, I’m running the half marathon, and the first leg of our Yark Subaru relay team!  btw, I think I have found our 5th relay runner to complete our time.  Nothing completely positive yet, but she’s a 90% committed runner I think!


The plan I picked is from my good buddy Pete Pfitzinger’s book – Faster Road Racing: 5K to Half Marathon.  Or “Pfitz” as we call him.  (We haven’t actually met yet, but I’m sure we’d be friends)  My training plan will start out with 31 weekly miles and goes up to 47.  They have plans to go to 100 miles a week, even for the 5K (70 miles)!  I picked the one that I felt most comfortable with in terms of weekly miles.  I might tweak the long runs just a little to go a little farther than what my selected plan has written.  Maybe.

Today’s run went well.  A 6 mile “GA” run (General Aerobic) with strides.  And yeah me, I ran outside!!


If you are running the half with me, or even the full, training season is upon us and I hope you can drop me a comment from time to time to let me know how your training is going.  I love to read comments!  And I always reply 🙂  I appreciate everyone taking the time to stop by and visit.

So bring it on…. a new training cycle begins!!!


Q:  Are you running the Glass City marathon, or another race this spring?

Q:  Do you enjoy being on a training plan?

I love it.  I feel like it organizes my exercise plan and pushes me outside my comfort level too!

Q:  Do you have snow in your area right now?

6 thoughts on “Training plan in action!”
  1. I am running Mt. Charleston on April 29th, so I assume 3 weeks ahead of you in training. I am using the Bart Yasso Seasoned Runner Plan with some of the Advanced Plan thrown in. 5000′ of elevation drop over the 26.2 miles. Could be a quad killer. Tune up race for my BQ attempt in the Fall at the Tunnel Marathon. I have a love-hate relationship with training plans. I like having a schedule that tells me what I need to do to achieve my goal but most Saturdays I wake up dreading the long run especially as I inch closer to the first 20. We got a dusting of snow last night and it is currently 11* but today is a rest day. We have had relatively little snow so far this Winter and I hope it stays that way.

    1. I gotta say – although I miss the challenge of the full marathon plan, I do not miss that long run! That was my least favorite component of the full training plan for me. Oh, and having to actually run the marathon at the end of it. hahaha! Good luck on those hills! I need to incorporate hills in to my training more.

  2. Yess!! Good luck with that half-marathon training plan!

    Yesterday I finished my week #1 of a 10-miler training program. I think I like being on training plans too. Even though sometimes I have to do stuff I don’t want to do, it feels so rewarding when I’m done. Plus, I feel like I’m training for something in specific. I also feel like every run/workout has a purpose that will get me closer towards the goal.

    I’m already looking into half-marathon training plans, which hopefully I’ll start when I finish this one.

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