Happy Tuesday! We made it past Monday. Phew! Just one more week until I start my official training for the Owens Corning Half Marathon. I’m happy with my mileage this week because my training plan starts at 31 miles in the first week. It should be a good transition… if the speedwork doesn’t kill me!
Weekly Stats!:
- Training for: *nothing yet! training starts 1/29/17*
- Days of running: 5
- Miles run: 30.2
- Gym visits: 2
6.1 miles, 9:01 avg pace. A dreary looking, but dry day. 6 miles felt like an accomplishment today for some reason.
5 miles, 9:47 avg pace – treadmill before work. I have to split my run into two parts because I start around 5:40am, and then have to stop to wake my son up at 6:10. I don’t mind though, because it’s our snuggle time. Then, back on the treadmill at 6:20am until 6:40 when it’s time to pack lunches! At lunch I did some stretching at the gym, in my little corner behind the equipment.
Rest day! – ended up walking 2 miles on my treadmill because I wanted to watch TV 🙂 No, we’re not Amish and have treadmill powered TV’s. I wanted to multi-task and get my steps in! Arm day at the gym.
3 miles easy, 9:47 pace on treadmill – Typically I run 3 miles outside on Thursday, but I ended up watching TV instead. Watched Blackish. It was a *great* episode about the election/Trump/Clinton. If you missed it, you should check it out! This was an easy run and the pace felt good.
10 miles – long run, 9:54 pace It was raining, and I had to get my workout done in the morning, so it was back on the treadmill for me. No problem, lots of TV entertainment today! As you may notice, my pace is much slower on the treadmill. I don’t consider that a bad thing at all. I’m hoping it keeps my “easy” days feeling easy!
6.2 miles, 8:47 avg pace. I finally made it outside!! In fact, I met up with my friend in the dark. Yes, in the DARK, people! I geared up with my reflective gear and headlamp. My speedy friend Sarah keeps me going so we had a pretty decent pace. It really wasn’t overly speedy, but it sure felt harder than I thought it should have. What, I’ve run a whole marathon at almost this pace?? no way. We got to see a beautiful sunrise, and the glowy eyes of a raccoon!

Rest day! I decided today would be a cross training day and did a kettlebell workout I saw over on Kristina’s blog. I’m saving that story for later this week, but here are some awesome pictures that were taken. My daughter enjoyed our workout…
Until she hit her leg…. ouch!
We will be leaving the workout videos to the professionals!! You’re welcome 🙂
You can find my other Training Tuesday recaps here! Linking up with Courtney at Eat Pray Run DC again this week. (there are a lot of fun blogs linked there in case you are looking for something new to read!)
Q: Anyone else kicking off their half marathon training soon, or in training now?
Q: Do you ever use kettlebells?
Q: Do you notice that you tend to run faster or slower than your outside pace when on the treadmill?
Loved that episode of Blackish! Great week 🙂
courtney @ eat pray run dc recently posted…B&A Trail Half Marathon Training, Week 7
I actually watched it twice!! On my own, and then I insisted my husband watch it with me again. Really good one.
How did you get the shot of her hitting her leg??? Lol! Hope you are okay, Sydney!! 🙂
Megan @ Meg Go Run recently posted…Women’s March on Washington
I’ve got a staff of pretty dedicated photographers that document my crazies (Zachary in this case). It was pretty funny seeing it on my camera roll! Her back actually hurt more from the workout than hitting her leg did. She enjoys our sweat sessions!
Oh no! Ouch!
I’m glad you two enjoyed the kettlebell workout though! I actually need to buy a kettlebell as I’m using a plate for that kind of thing and I’m really worried about sending the plate flying. Then again I’m usually worried about sending the kettlebell flying at the gym too, so many I just should not be doing workouts where you swing weights around like that!
Kristina Running recently posted…Blog Update + First Workout!
I think you will get a good laugh about my kettlebell workout. It’s my next post. 😉 Thanks for sharing her workouts – I love finding new stuff to do!
Just found your blog – happy to be following along! I’m focusing on speedy 5ks this year, but I do miss half training and longer running! I LOVE kettlebells – such a fun way to lift!
Thanks for following along!! My 5K speed is my Achilles heel I think. Just based on my other race paces I think I could be going faster in the 5K. However, my body seems to think otherwise!! 🙂 I’ve never done a specific 5K training plan, but my new training book has training plans for them, and the top plan goes up to 100 miles a week!!! Can you imagine that?? Not me!
Definitely run slower on the treadmill unless I’m doing intervals. Probably by at least 15-20 seconds per mile. But on the positive note, it works great for easy or recovery runs where I am trying to keep the pace slower.