Under-calculated? Is that a word? Just stay with me for a minute. Those three words described my three days of weekend running.
Friday – [Long] As I searched for motivation to get out in the cold for my weekly long run, I got motivation handed to me in the form of spousal support! Actually my run was sponsored by the letter “S”…. spouse, Starbucks and sore 🙁 Alan joined me for my long run (10 miles), which was the first half of his long run (20 miles). I was going to go out for this run at a slow pace, around 10:00 per mile, but when I got running with Alan it ended up being 9:18. A little faster than I should have, but it felt OK. Except for my old friend, glute pain. The farther my run went, the more I was getting sore. Big bummer.
The temperature was pretty chilly (feels like 9), but we went to a sheltered trail which really helped. This trail really brings back memories because I have run pretty much all of my long marathon training runs here in the summer. Many hours spent here!

Saturday morning was the Blizzard Breakfast. [Packed] It’s a run put on by the Toledo Roadrunners and Dave’s Running shop. You can run 3.5 miles, or 7 miles. There were a lot of runners there!!

The kids ran with us, and we opted to run the shorter distance. First one done, first one to get pancakes!! And let me tell you, the pancakes were super delicious! And so were the donuts…
Funny story – we started out together as a family, but Sydney ended up running ahead of us. No problem – but then I worried Sydney would end up doing 7 miles, so we tried to find her. Zachary, Alan and I ended up running off course to find her, and ran 3.3 miles. She stayed on course and ran exactly like she was supposed to and got her 3.5 miles in. Not sure why I worried – she’s an old pro now!
Sunday run [under-calculated] My schedule for Sunday said “7 miles – 6 x 12 sec uphill, followed by 5 x 100 m strides”. I actually debated running this because I could feel my sore glute (left side) even when I moved in bed that morning. In the end, I decided to try the best I could, and if it hurt too much, I’d just bail on it.
There is an overpass and a hill that we use for hill repeats, but I thought the distance was too short. I also figured that once I did those repeats, most of my workout would be done (because somehow running 6 x 12 seconds takes up 5 miles…). Oh no, I was so completely wrong. The hill ended up taking 35 seconds to run up it (much longer than I imagined), and after running 6 sets of that hill, I had only run a mile. DUH.
At least I got to enjoy the sunny weather, even though it was a little windy. I ran all around the area which includes woods, fields, and a former battle ground. I wasn’t busting out any sub 8:00 min miles, but I did feel stronger for each hill climb, which I was happy with. No joke though, that was a tough workout and my glute was not happy at the end of the workout. The great thing – my watch wasn’t fully charged and it flashed “low battery” with one mile left. Sure enough, when I hit the end of my run, the mile ticked off and my watch froze up and went blank! Luckily, it saved my data 🙂

I’m icing my hiney as I’m typing this, and watching the Super Bowl (yeah Lady Gaga!). Bummed out with my bum (haha), but I’ll keep at.
Q: Did you watch the Super Bowl? Did your team win??
Q: How about that Lady Gaga show?
I liked it! I’ve got several of her songs on my running playlist.
Ran 13 miles on Saturday on a hilly course and then 6 miles of recovery on Sunday with the club. Marathon training is slowly progressing. 39 miles for the week. Can’t believe that we are still able to run on the Prairie Path this late into Winter. Usually snow-covered and unusable by New Year’s Day. 17* on Saturday, but no wind and sunny. Warmed up on Sunday and was 31* but windy which made it kind of a trade-off. Great SB game! I am originally from Atlanta so I was kind of pulling for the Falcons but my son is a huge Tom Brady fan so I was glad for him that the Patriots won. Can’t say that I am much of a Lady Gaga fan at my age. I am more in the Tony Bennett camp, but I thought it was entertaining.
We had a divided house for no reason at all (we don’t watch football), and the girls picked the Patriots. I let the kids stay up until the end and I was shocked we won!! My son was not so happy with the results. Apparently we were bragging too much!
“6 x 12 seconds takes up 5 miles” LOL I think like this sometimes too! We must be thinking of effort instead of actual distance!
Kristina recently posted…Getting Focused!
I visioned it, and those 12 seconds were going to take me forever!! I am a pretty bad judge of time, and distance! Just ask Alan. He knows I think I can drive any place in just 10 mins. Regardless of the distance 🙂
I love Lady Gaga!!! I need to get some of her songs on my phone. I’m sorry about your bum pain! Does stretching it help or do you leave it alone when aggravated? I stretch unless it is bothered. Then I leave it alone.
Megan @ Meg Go Run recently posted…Weekend Wrap Up!
I decided to stop foam rolling for a week, but that didn’t help it. Sadly I’m thinking total rest would probably be the best thing. But no, I’m not ready for that yet!!
That was a fun run, one of the few long runs I’ve done where I went out conservative enough so that the last half was easy to go faster.
I loved seeing those huge turkey vultures!