If you follow me on Instagram, you already know we have a couple of new friends at our house. [what, you don’t follow me on Instagram? Here’s my feed!]


These two adorable kittens are the latest pair we are fostering from the Toledo Area Humane Society. They are about 5 weeks old right now. We are supposed to have them about a month, or until they are 3 pounds. Last time I checked they were just a little over 1 pound.


I can not even begin to tell you how freaking adorable these two are!!


They have been the purrrfect house guests so far (haha, so corny). We do have to put blankets over our furniture in the room they live in just because we don’t want any snags when the kitties try to jump up on the furniture. They are certainly allowed to jump up there, but it’s a long journey when you are so small, so it often is a jump and a bit of climbing with those nails. Nails as sharp as razors to be exact.


They are both boys and we haven’t really come up with any good names yet (in my opinion) but for me, Food Face and Poopy Butt are the closest I’ve come up with because there’s no mixing them up. Yep, long hair kitties seem to need a lot of baths and these two are getting to be quite the veterans with bathing. The white kitten doesn’t seem to mind too much, but the tiger is a bit more resistant to the process. My daughter is sticking with the names “Wisp” (the white one) and “Bear”.  Maybe Ying and Yang?

They sure don’t look very good wet, but you gotta do what you gotta do. Super clean fluffy kittens are the best!! (but not wet angry ones)


Luna is interesting in meeting them and checking them out.  She may have hissed at them once, but mostly just keeps an eagle eye on them.  Zoe could care less and hasn’t even sniffed them yet.  They do stay separated most of the time, but we are letting the kittens roam around a bit more now.


Go ahead and follow me on Instagram to see more of these babies on a regular basis 🙂


Q:  For those of you with long hair cats, do they require a lot of grooming?  Do they like baths??

Q:  Have you ever fostered any animals?

Q:  Do you still get the newspaper delivered to your house?

As you can see, we do get a Sunday paper… and it takes 4 days or so before I get around to looking at it.  But I do love to look at the ads!

9 thoughts on “Kittens!!! My fuzzy new friends.”
    1. I just remember that they are heading to their forever family next, so I’m just a helper on their journey. These little guys are extra adorable because they actually come running to you, like puppies. They are soooooo friendly!!

  1. I used to get the Sunday paper, mainly for coupons. I would make up the cost of the paper in coupons. 🙂 But now that I do 95% of my shopping at Aldi, I don’t need coupons anymore!

    But let’s cut to the chase now. The kittens are SO ADORABLE!!! But don’t you miss kittens when you are done fostering? I would fall in love and not be able to give them back. Do you have that option, to keep them?

    I have two long haired cats and yes POOPY BUTT is a good name for it! I have so many funny blog posts about poopy butt! This is an old one you probably never read, and you just gotta read it: http://meggorun.blogspot.com/2013/10/shit-streak-20-literally.html

    Paul is in charge of baths when they get poop on their butts. It happens to Christmas more because Jelly is perfect. 😉 But yes Jelly has had poopy butt before too. Sometimes they get “butt knots” because their hair is so long back their and they can’t reach it to groom it. Jelly gets the biggest butt knots in the world! Since neither cat likes the groomer, the only way to get out a butt know is to cut it out when they are FAST ASLEEP. It normally takes several attempts because I swear Jelly can hear scissors from three rooms away….

    One time, Jelly had a butt knot so big that we hung it on the fridge.
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    1. Oh man, long hair kitties are a bit more work! I do miss the kittens when we have to give them back, but I know they are heading to a permanent home so that’s a great thing. And, I get sick of stepping on kitty litter all over my sunroom and want to sit on my furniture again, so that’s always a great thing having my room back again!

  2. BABIES!!!!!!! I love that you foster kittens. You are such a good person. I have never been able to foster in the past because of being a renter. We’ve generally only been allowed one pet that was approved when we signed the lease. Now I think it would be easier since we’re allowed two pets, but they still have to get approved by the HOA. Since I’m a board member on the HOA I think I would approve myself, but I don’t know if Cecil would approve! When we babysit for my mom’s cat when she goes on vacation Cecil always looks kind of haggard after a few days because he doesn’t get as much sleep as normal. He’s just so used to being an only cat after almost 10 years of being alone. When we someday look to adopt again we definitely want to get two pets at the same time!

    1. This is true… after 10 years of being solo Cecil might not another friend, especially if it’s a kitten getting in his space! We have pretty much always had more than one cat because I think they need to entertain each other all day. Even if they do just ignore each other, the option is always there 🙂

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