I have a few interesting things to show you today.  Three things that are just kind of different, so I had to share!

Interesting thing I saw on a run!

I went on a group run recently with my friends.   Along the route we ran across the oddest thing I’ve seen yet – a crawfish!!  I rarely see crawfish in the river, so on the trail was even weirder!  This wasn’t even a trail by the river.  I suspect he was a bit lost.  


Interesting donut selection!

I do still get to to out and enjoy a run in the early AM with Sydney, the Daybreak Divas.  I gotta say, I don’t think I would have ever even thought of waking up at 5:40 am during the summer when I was 14 years old to go out on a run!!  I give her a big shiny star for that.


After this organized group run we always make a stop at the donut shop.  (No makeup ever needed at this AM group!!)


Look at this odd donut I picked out last time… that’s peanut butter on there!  Reeses candies top the list of my favorites, and I imagined that’s what this would be.  But no, it was more like eating a PB&J where it’s far too heavy on the PB.  It was OK, but I won’t be buying that flavor again.


I did get to enjoy a drink at Starbucks just like I had run a long run.  It was a free reward and there’s no way I was passing that up.  And it was going to be huge.  And have a shot of expresso.  Oh yes, a fine free drink!

Interesting thing I had to sign for at the Post Office!

And to finish up with a total random story…. I got a card in the mailbox the other day that I had a package on hold at the post office that I had to sign for.  Registered mail.  Gulp.  I immediately thought of two things = 1) I’m being sued!!  yikes!  For what?!?  2)  I won a million dollars!!  So long suckers, I’m rich!!!!  (awww, just kidding.  I’ll share!)


I couldn’t sleep at all that night, stressing over what would be at the post office.  Ugh.  The anticipation was killing me!!  OMG!!!  When I finally got to the post office the next morning, the mailman predicted the package.  A small bubble envelope, from China.  Imagine my disappointment (or maybe it was relief?) when I opened it up and found a Fidget spinner inside.  Yep, a $2.49 toy from eBay.  Oh man.  But hey, check out the LED’s on this baby.  Sweet! 


Q:  Do you own a Fidget spinner?

Everyone in my family was buying them.  I had to one up them!!  LOL!!! My son has already lost two of them.  yikes.

Q:  Have you ever had to sign for a package at the Post Office?  Was it anything good??

Q:  Have you ever seen a crawfish just wondering around your town??

6 thoughts on “Triple play of interesting things!”
  1. No fidget spinners here, but once I totally saw a crawfish where he did not belong. On a playground, no where near the water. It was so weird. Also, I think he may have been dead. Probably should not have wandered so far from his home.

    I’m glad you aren’t being sued 🙂
    Heather [is probably running] recently posted…Base building: done!My Profile

  2. I don’t own any fidget spinners, however my kid has 2 now (just got one from my German family this weekend). Evidently they are quite popular over there as well.

    No signed packages at the post office, but signed at home for adult beverages (hey, don’t judge!). Back when we were wine-o’s you couldn’t get a vineyard here we liked, so we shipped it in.

    Only crawfish I have ever seen are in the rivers while canoeing. I do quite often see other animals/critters while running the UT/Wildwood trail. Snakes and deer are most common right now. I do not like snakes!

    1. We have also received some wine from Napa before, but send it to work so we know someone would be there. Packages out of the blue freak me out!

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