Zachary and I volunteered at a Run Toledo race on Saturday: the Boy Scout Half Marathon and Tenderfoot 5K.  Originally I figured I would be racing like I have done for many years now, but then I was realistic and realized I was not trained for a half marathon yet!!  However, Zachary did need service hours for school, and I wanted to see Alan run, so we signed up to volunteer at the race.   This is also one of the races that I’m a Run Toledo ambassador for.  Here is a group shot of the Ambassadors that were there for the race.  We were out in full force!!  (that’s me with the neon green sleeves on the right side!)


Our jobs were race day packet pickup/registration and course marshal.   Since we had a little bit of a drive to the race, we had to get up at 5:30am to get to the race.  Not a big deal for me, but a bit early for my son.  It was pretty darn dark out.  It was quite busy at packet pickup though, so 6:15 am – 7:30 am went by fast.  It was perfect weather for racing – overcast and in the 50’s.


As soon as the race started, it was time to head out to the course for our course marshal position.  We were at mile 2, where the 5K runners split off from the half marathoners.  At first I was concerned about getting the runners to the correct direction!   But that was a crazy concern because the course was very well marked and no problems occurred.


The thing I did not plan for was having to stop traffic!  We were at an intersection so I had to maintain the traffic so none of the runners were in danger.  I don’t know about you, but I am always so thankful that someone is watching out for me when I race and don’t even have to think about crossing the road!!


Many of my friends were racing that day, like Richard who was a pacer, and Dan (my fellow Run Toledo Ambassadors!)  I loved it when the runners called out to me and said Hi!  It was the best!!  Several also said Thank You which was really appreciated.  Oh, and my boss gave me a high 5.  Go Kevin!!!  (Zach got a high 5 from Alan too)

Everything went quite well except for one big jerk lady who decided she didn’t want to wait in line for my directions and actually went around 3 cars who were waiting patiently, and pulled out (squealing her tires!!) right through the runners on the course!!  I was livid about that situation.  I can’t believe people are so rude to do things like that.  She could have hit someone.  Stupid idiot.

Anyhow, after getting everyone safely where they needed to go, we went back to the finish line to wait for Alan and enjoy our breakfast.  The Boy Scouts offered a pancake breakfast that was delicious!  In fact my son described it as “pancakes that fell from heaven”.  haha!!


Soon enough it was time to cheer Alan on as he cruised to the finish.  We was looking good!! (and indeed he did have a solid race day).  Surprisingly, no age group awards for him that day, but he ran faster than his plan which made for a really good tune up race.


Have you seen this background on other Run Toledo race photos?  I’m loving the great backdrop for finish photos!!


And where was Sydney on race day??  She was setting her own record at a cross country meet.  21:50 for the 5K.  A new PR!!!!!  Woohoo!!  She’s having a great cross country season so far.


Q:  Did you run at the Boy Scout Half or Tenderfoot 5K?  How was your race day??

Q:  Have you volunteered at a race before?  What is your favorite job?

Q:  Do you like pancakes or waffles better?

Waffles!!  I’m in the minority in my family, but I love how they are slightly crisp.





5 thoughts on “Boy Scout Half Marathon – volunteer & race recap”
  1. I have volunteered at the Boston Marathon four times since I am not one of those blessed to BQ every year like some of my friends. My running club is in charge of Aid Station 2 at the
    Chicago Marathon each year. Huge undertaking to recruit 300+ volunteers every year, get everything set up in time, and then tear it all down ASAP. I would have to say pancakes if they had some fruit in them. Love them with blueberries or strawberries.

    1. I do enjoy working water stops – but I feel a lot of pressure when those first speedy runners come through. If they miss their water grab they won’t come back to get it, so you need to be good at handing off!! After that, the “rest” of the runners are a lot of fun to interact with and they are so happy to see you. Love that!! I’ve never worked a big race water stop though – just our small local ones.

    1. I’m surprised I didn’t have nightmares about the lady/incident that night. I was pretty upset about it. It made me really mad, but also made me feel shamed that I wasn’t doing my job properly! All the feelings 🙁 If she really had some super important thing that couldn’t wait, she could have stopped before driving through the runners and told me about it, and we could have done something. I’m glad the other drivers were much more patient with us.

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