training tuesday

Welcome to my weekly recap.  I’m training for the Columbus Half Marathon, which is now only a few days away.  This is the big weekend.

Miles run last week:  24.9 miles  (oops, probably would have run .1 more if I had paid attention)

Mon –  5 miles, 10:21 pace.  I ran on the treadmill this morning.  I really only did it out of habit and because it was on my plan, but I was feeling sore from racing on Sunday!  I really wanted to watch my TV shows though, so I took it easy.  My house seems oddly quiet now that the foster kittens are no longer at our house.  I enjoyed their morning visits!


Tues – Rest!  I did get to have a fun “date night” with my son.  We went to the driving range.  No, I don’t golf, but I do enjoy smacking some golf balls at the driving range!


Weds – 3.5 miles on treadmill, 3 outside.  Still feeling some pangs of tightness from Sunday’s race.  Once again, probably more miles than I should have run, but I had some more time, and I wanted to run outside, so I did a double around making kids lunches in the morning and the bus stop.  Took a dip in the pool to cool off a little.  Only got to my waist – holy crap, the water was cold!!  (and my toenails are scary!)


Thurs – Rest!  Went for a morning walk.  Still trying to get my hammies to chill a bit.


Fri – 10.3 miles on treadmill, 9:31 pace – I had thought about all of the places I might run today’s long run, but in the end, I woke up to drizzly rain and I didn’t want any part of that.  I just ran on the treadmill and watched a funny movie “Why Him?”.  James Franco is the main character, so a lot of F-bombs were flying, but overall it was pretty funny.


I was super sweaty, and I enjoyed the company of my kittens for the last morning (and they enjoyed the salt on my face!)


Sat – Rest!  No running, but we hiked about 6 miles at the campground we were staying at.  We spent the weekend at Hocking Hills, OH.  Beautiful area with cool caves!


Sun – 3 miles, 9:58 pace.  Sydney missed a XC practice because we were camping, so her coach told her to go run.  I kept her to her promise and we ran around the campground.  It was one of those routes where we ran back and forth down the same roads waiting for the Garmin to beep (mostly Sydney waiting!). But Oh my, those hills!!


Fun story – a few years ago when I ran the Columbus half marathon, free White Castle burgers were in our bib bag (I think) because White Castle is a sponsor.  And, if you got a PR, they gave you even more burgers!  So of course I sent in my PR info and got my “prize”.  Well, we don’t have any White Castles near us, so I just hung on to my gift card until Sunday, when we drove through Columbus on the way home from camping.  Yes, almost 2 years later (or was it 3 years?), we got to use that gift from White Castle.  We ended up buying three bags of sliders, fries, onion rings AND a shake!  A ton of FREE food for my family.  It was delicious!  Delicious in that greasy cheeseburger kind of way that is.  YUM!


I’m trying to just keep my miles slower this week, and get some more resting done.  I keep feeling some twinges of tightness, so I want to make sure that stops for race day.  Early forecast looks like race day might be a bit warmer than I’d like (60 at the start maybe?), but fingers crossed it will be a little cooler!

Stop back to see my race recap next week!


Q: Any of my readers running Columbus this weekend??

Q:  Do you ever eat at White Castle?

Q:  Have you ever been to Hocking Hills?

10 thoughts on “Training Tuesday – Race week is here!”
    1. I know the movie, but I don’t think I’ve every seen it! You should try White Castle when you get the chance. Not exactly healthy stuff, but good (in a guilty kind of way). I think that was my first time there!

  1. Nice work on the miles! I need to get myself a fan closer to our treadmill. It has two built in fans but they aren’t enough.

    Columbus half! First time running, not sure we will get back to the hotel in time for checkout so may need to pay for an extra day 🙁

    We’re not so much a camping family. As a kid, I camped for years (started with a tent, then a popup, then a 35′ camper, etc). That stopped once I started playing football and sports. Don’t particularly miss it, but I do miss the relaxation of not being in the city.

    While I haven’t had it in years, my family has been eating White Castle for like 28 years. I used to get the chicken sandwich because as a kid I didn’t like the sliders. As I got older, the sliders were fine. It’s probably been close to a decade since I have had some though.
    Dan Clark recently posted…Viking Dash 15K Trail Run RecapMy Profile

    1. That big treadmill fan is a must! I would be suffocating without it, and my basement is decently “chilly”.
      My family has progressed to our current “large” camper. So much bigger than our popup. I do just loving being away from home and not having to worry about doing any chores around the house! It’s nice to escape the housework of home!!

  2. I’ve never eaten at a White Castle or seen one in real life! Only on that movie “Harold and Kumar go to White Castle”. It’s just not a chain we have down south, but I love that the race gave you gift cards and coupons. Looks like you had a great week of running and training and I hope your race goes well too!
    Amy Lauren Scott recently posted…Weekly Rundown: October 2-8My Profile

    1. That movie really did put White Castle on the map! I bet they were surprised to see the coupon from years ago show up. I wonder how many people took the time to mail in their info for some free burgers. Hey, it paid off! 🙂

    1. White Castle is an interesting sponsor for the race. The gift card was $15 and I had another coupon for 5 burgers. With the low prices there we were pretty well stuffed when we got done spending our money! One year they had Chipotle coupons. LOVED that!

  3. Good Luck this weekend at Columbus, kick butt and remember all the miles you have put into training! I have heard great things about that race, doing the half or full there is on my bucket list!

    I LOVE going to the driving range. Brian golfs, I know how but don’t really enjoy it. But, we will compromise and go to the driving range and we both enjoy it!

    1. Thanks! It is my favorite race – but the forecast is looking pretty iffy for race day. Warm temps, humidity, high winds, and possibly thunderstorms (?!!). Sounds too terrible to be true! So hopefully that will all blow over and it will be decent enough.
      I went to a “real” golf course once and it was so annoying chasing that ball all over the course (well, really into the weeds). I’ll stick with mini golf!

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