Due to a modified work schedule and the holiday last week, today is the first Thursday I get to spend “not at work”!  Yep, it’s my day off!  I used to have only Friday off, but now it’s Thursday and Friday.  I was quite giddy figuring out how I was going to spend my new found time off.

First, it was ME time!  Well, I had to wait until it got light out… because I could!  But as dawn was breaking, I was running around my neighborhood.  As typical, I was nervous about running outside, wondering how the hammies would feel, but everything was feeling decent enough, and although I didn’t feel very speedy or quick, my overall pace was made me very happy and it ran negative splits – so yeah that!  OH, and, it was 53 degrees out!  3.5 miles with 9:02 avg pace.


I was trying out a new pair of Athleta capris that I got, but after my daughter called them my “Captain America” pants, I was a bit turned off by them.  The pattern is definitely out of my comfort zone (I typically stick with solid black!), but they were also slipping down a bit, so they are going back.  (Athleta has a “give it a try” policy, so I take advantage of that)


Then I got motivated to take down our Christmas lights out of the yard.  Yep, at 9am!  It was super nice outside and I got them down pretty quick.  Sure, they are still on my front porch, but they are out of the bushes and trees!  Baby steps! 🙂


Then, on a sad note, we attended the funeral of my uncle.  I do take comfort in the fact that he was 90 years old, enjoyed a long marriage, has 2 grandchildren, traveled to places around the globe, and passed away in his sleep.  That doesn’t make his passing any easier.  He will be  very missed 🙁  He was a farmer, and on the way to cemetery we passed by his farm – and drove down a dirt road past the fields he owned.  On a side note, I had so much fun visiting his farm and the steer he raised when I was growing up!  The dirt road is how my car got really dirty.


But then I washed it.  It feels like such luxury to have a clean car in the winter!!


I was going to do a long run on Saturday as a sub coach again, but my gig got canceled, so I decided to run another 4.5 miles to make it a total of 8 miles for the day.  I got so brave, I actually ran outside of my neighborhood.  This turned into another decent, negative splits, run.  9:07 average pace.  Yeah, I’m having a good running day.  AND, it was 57 degrees on this run.  Tank top time!  A Winter Weather Advisory was issued for Friday, so I had to take advantage of this awesomeness while it’s here.


To finish off my day, it was “Pizza and Beer” night for Alan and I.  We are actually *still* watching Survivor off the DVR.  We are pretty far behind!

All in all, really I’m loving having another day off!  My kids have Friday off (last day of the quarter!), and Monday off (Martin Luther King day), so we are all getting a long weekend.  Woohoo!


Q:  Anyone else have a long weekend?

Q:  Do you get your car washed in the winter?

Q:  Have you ever been to a working farm?

6 thoughts on “Thursday is the new Friday!”
  1. I’m sorry to hear about your uncle. I agree, even when our family members live long and happy lives, it is still very sad when they pass away!

    I have to one up you on the Christmas lights. I took some of mine down at 6:45am!!!! (I woke up at three and was like, okay well let’s see all I can get done before work!)
    Megan @ Meg Go Run recently posted…Friday 5: Shows always on my DVR.My Profile

    1. 6:45? Wow, that is impressive! I hope your yard wasn’t a mushy mess like mine was. The mulched flower bed areas were a big muddy mess when I was taking my lights down. Sorry about the lack of sleep – but phew, you got a productive start!

  2. Condolences on the passing of your uncle. Sounds like he had a good life. When I was a kid back in the 60s, my neighbors inherited a farm. The farmhouse had been built in the 1800s and had no indoor toilet. The only source of heat was a potbelly coal burning stove in each room. In the summer, we spent countless hours roaming the fields and swimming in the lake. In the fall, we would hunt in the woods nearby. As we got older, we were put to work in the summers bailing hay and repairing barns. Farming is a hard life but it has its rewards. I was always glad to get home and back to city life. I have to get my car washed periodically just to get all the salt off. They spread tons of salt on the roads here during the winter and it will corrode the underside of your car if you leave it too long. Crazy weather! Warmer in Chicago yesterday morning than in Phoenix. This morning — not even close. I am going out for a run now and it is 18.

    1. Thanks. I forgot to mention that he was a veteran, and helped a lot with volunteer firefighters, so there was a very nice tribute for him (taps and gun salute). Also, the funeral procession was led by the firetrucks! He really worked hard as a farmer, and contributed to his community.
      I seem to remember there being an outhouse at my aunt and uncles house too, but it was just a “left over”. His son did not go into the family business of farming, so now they just rent the land and no longer have any livestock.

    1. Thanks Amy 🙂 It’s pretty rare that my car gets washed in the winter, even though it looks terrible, so that was a nice treat! That snow in your area is pretty crazy!!

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