After the disappointing first recap of the year, my running game is back on!  Mind you, this is after I emailed my PT Alisha and she talked me out of giving up on running 🙂  She suggested that I stay on plan, and give it two weeks and reevaluate.  I’m glad I did!  It’s so odd – the worse I feel at times, the better I bounce back.  Odd!

Miles run last week: 20.2

Training for:  base building for Glass City half marathon

Here’s what I did:

Mon: Rest day, PT exercises

Tues: 3.5 miles on the treadmill, 10:09 avg pace.  This was the first time in awhile that I’ve felt very little tightness in my hamstrings.  What is going on?  (it’s good!)


Wed:  Rest day, PT exercises

Thurs: 8.1 miles, 9:06 avg pace.  Beautiful weather today!! My outdoor runs always go a little faster, and the weather was great, so I went with it!  This was 2 runs – 3.5 in the morning, and 4.6 in the afternoon.


The afternoon run did not end well due to stomach issues.  I really dislike running in the afternoon and GI issues are the reason.  A large iced coffee in the morning and a soup at lunch did not add up to a pleasant run.  I run so much better on an empty stomach. Enough said!


Fri:  Rest day, PT exercises

Sat:  3.5 miles, 10:09 pace.  The icy cold is back in Ohio!  Another treadmill run with only very minor reminder of hammies.  Winning!


Sun:  5 miles.  If you follow me on Instagram you would have seen what this run was all about.  I’ll detail it later, but suffice it to say I ran an easy 4 miles in the morning, and when I got home from that event I needed to go another mile – both for calorie burning reasons and to get my weekly mileage to 20 miles (I know, I know, bad idea, but it all worked out – ironically, with no GI issues!  Go figure.)


My next step is to figure out what training plan I’m going to use for the Glass City half marathon, coming up on April 22nd.  I’m on a committee this year for Glass City (GCM) and attended my first meeting.  I’m getting excited for the race, and almost had FOMO when reviewing the full course!!  Almost.  I’m not there yet, but it’s very exciting for my friends running GCM for their first full this year.  We are also planning some cool stuff for the after party, so I hope you are planning to run if you live in the area!  (if you live out of town, you’re even more welcome to join us!!)


Q:  Do you have any problems running in the afternoon or evening?

Q:  Have you ever been on a committee for a race, or a race director?

It’s a very interesting process seeing all of the work that goes into putting on a marathon!

Q:  Did you get the day off work on Martin Luther King day?

I did – and the kids also had a long 4 day weekend.  Seems like Christmas break again!

20 thoughts on “Training Tues recap – back at it!”
  1. When I was working, all my runs were in the afternoon or evening. I would hurry home to run, walk the dog, and cook dinner or, if I was lucky, I could hit the treadmill in our gym at work and get it done on company time. Since retiring, I do all my running in the morning. If I’m not out the door by 8:00am, then it probably isn’t going to happen. I have a half marathon coming up in Phoenix in February and I have not run further than 6 miles. Need to find that motivation I misplaced last year. When you are retired, EVERY DAY is a holiday! Several of my running partners are teachers who had the day off, so we met for a run in the snow at the Arboretum and then had lunch.

    1. Hey, 6 miles? You’ve got time. Right? 🙂 Which race is that? Just wondering because I have a friend running out there too. Sounds like a great day at the Arboretum (so pretty) and lunch!

  2. I love the areas where you run at. It looks so pretty.

    I actually LOVED to run in the afternoon / night. But my lifestyle has changed so much ever since. Now I have a job from 9 to 5, a one-hour commute to work and a husband. So running in the early morning is pretty much the only option I have. I’ve gotten used to love my early runs now so I don’t complain:)

    I do not do very well running on an empty stomach though, I do need a snack and a coffee before heading out or else I’ll literally start to feel uncomfortably hungry after 2 miles and I almost never run just two miles anymore.

    Enjoy the rest of your day Lisa 🙂 I’m glad your running game is back on!
    Nathaly Abrahan recently posted…How to wake up early to exercise.My Profile

    1. I have come to really love my morning running routine. I get up and just walk on the treadmill if I’m not running! It just sets the tone for my day (a good tone!). But, I don’t eat a thing in the morning before I run. Unless I’m running more than 5 miles, then I might grab a breakfast cereal bar right before I run, but that’s it. Funny how different food and fuel is for everyone!

  3. Good luck with finding a training plan, working on the race committee, and dealing with the hammie issues.

    It is awesome that your PT wants you to run- mine told me not to run and I found another PT. Now I’m going to a ART/sports med guy who says to run just not as much as I was before. After all, do you really know if the PT exercises are working if you’re not at least running a little?

    I mostly run in the evening or afternoon… I try to make sure my food is digested, but after a while I guess your body gets used to it. My body can’t do early morning running like some people.

    Glad you hit 20 miles for the week and got some cross training in too… stay warm!
    Amy Lauren Scott recently posted…Chronicles of Cross Training: January 8-14My Profile

    1. This is true – you need to run a little to see if it’s working! I’m glad you are working with someone you like. I swear only one person in our town does ART. I did see him a few years ago. I’ve actually been fighting with glute issues since 2013! (far too long!)
      I think I’m going with a Hal Higdon plan. No intervals, 3 or 4 days of running. He said it is for people who are injury prone. I am now categorizing myself as that!

  4. When I take apart the treadmill this Friday to put on the new belt & flip the deck, that is, if I remember where everything goes!

  5. That is great you are feeling some progress! I am with you about the afternoon bloat. I do try to run later in winter because usually ( not this year) our afternoons are so much warmer, but my tummy does weird things even id it has been four hours since i ate. I do feel better early mornings but I do 7 months of 5 a.m. running lol
    I have never been on a race committee, but i know you will have some great ideas to make it fun!

    1. One cool thing for the races this year is that the Glass City half is a special year (10th!) so the half participants are getting a quarter zip instead of the usual short sleeve shirt for the marathon or relay. A lot of people are running it due to that!

    1. I’m with ya! Although, for my marathon training I would eat two bowls of Frosted Mini Wheats before I ran those long runs – 18 & 20 miles – in the morning. Oddly enough, it never gave me a problem! It’s just something about afternoon running that does it to me.

  6. I’m so excited that your training for GCM! You already have an awesome base – looks like training will be a breeze. I hope that the PT exercises keep you happy and healthy. I don’t usually have issues running in the evening but I try to eat about 2 hours before I run so that my stomach has time to settle.
    Sara recently posted…The ChoiceMy Profile

    1. I was all exciting thinking my training started next week, but it turns out I did the math wrong and it’s not until Jan 27th. Dang it! Not a biggie though, I’ll just do some more random running. And hope I don’t mess anything up in the meantime!

    1. Let’s talk poop! (Everybody poops, right?) A BM is the very first thing I do every morning. Immediately, no coffee or anything needed. That allows me to run 10 mins after I get up because I’m all ready! I guess I’ve trained my body to do that? I’m very happy it’s a consistency in my life now!!

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