After screwing around with my MacBook a bit, we got it up and running again.  Then we did a backup on it (phew!).  Then it flaked out again!  So it got a reinstall of the OS, and since then it’s been mostly stable.  Oh but wait – as soon as I typed that, my laptop crapped out again, so this post is coming via my phone again. What a productivity drain!

So let me tell you about my long run this week.  I just thought I would share some fun knowledge with you in case you don’t live in a cold climate!  I bet you wonder,  what does it feel like to run in the snow?

Well, to begin with – packed snow is pretty good to run on!  Icy snow is not.  It gets really slippery, and I fear I will fall.  So I avoid that.  But there are many types of snow!  The snow that I ran my long run on was more granular.  It was very much like running on sand.  That makes you tired, and much slower.

How about the temperature?  I ran when it felt like 0 degrees.  Since I don’t run outside very often, it’s a challenge for me to dress properly sometimes.  When in doubt, wear fleece lined tights, wool socks, winter trail shoes, 3 layers of shirts, and a warm hat that covers your ears.  My Athleta tights are the darn warmest things around, so my legs stayed toasty – even though they add an inch all the way around from the thickness. I could have used a warmer top combo though because my arms were cold!

Here’s the other things I got wrong on my run – I should have worn 2 layers of gloves!  My hands were freaking freezing.  I mean REALLY cold at one point.  Speaking of gloves – did you know that Saucony was smart enough to include this soft area on the side to wipe your runny nose??  Yes, my gear always comes home covered in snot.  I just have a runny nose all of the time.

And did you see?  My water bottle also froze up.  Not very useful like that!! My GU was the consistency of licorice. I really needed a drink after eating that.

I did think ahead and wore a Buff so I could cover up my face.  However, after a very short period of time it just got wet from my breath and turned into a frozen wrap!

My long run did have it’s ups and downs. I struggled through the snow and cold, but it was a peaceful run, and I got to see several deer up close.

10 miles at a 10:00 pace. I was hoping to be at 9:45, but that just wasn’t happening. Finished with a Starbucks (while I grocery shopped, with my snotty gloves. Oops!)…

and took a bubbly bath to warm up.

Luna couldn’t wait for me to be done!

Hopefully next time I post my technical issues will be gone. Although I’m not too hopeful because I don’t know if this is a software or hardware issue 🙁

Enjoy your Friday!!


Q: Do you have a long run on your weekend agenda? How far are you going??

Q: We have a ton of snow in our forecast today. What is your weather?

Q: What Olympic event will you be watching?

Skiing for us of course!!

9 thoughts on “Things still aren’t right. Long run winter chat”
  1. Well…. I kind of had 12 miles in mind tomorrow morning but the snowstorm that blew through last night might have me making other plans. See how quickly they get this mess cleaned up. I always have trouble keeping my hands warm. Always the last body part to warm up. I have found that gloves under mittens work best or, if it is really cold, mittens over mittens. There is 9 inches on my picnic table and still snowing. Probably just watch hockey at the Olympics.

    1. I lost one of my mittens, that’s why I didn’t wear them 🙁 Luckily they were a cheap pair, but still, I’m bummed!!
      They are forecasting 6 inches of snow here, but the radar now looks like we won’t get hit that bad. School was canceled though in anticipation of it. Maybe the paths will be clear for you by tomorrow!

  2. Bummer about your lap top but so good you were able to get it backed up.

    Can you give me a link for your pants? I need another pair of warm pants!

    Okay your snotty glove is really gross!!! But I bet a ton of other people do that. I pack tissues, which is definitely annoyed but I think I have a disdain for snot due to seeing all the runny noses at school.

    Oh man your post run bath looks heavenly!!! Luna is such a baby!

    I am heading out on the trail soon. Meeting my friend for 2.5 hours on the AT. I am scared it is going to be icy. She is letting me borrow her extra yak trax, so we’ll see how this goes…
    Megan @ Meg Go Run recently posted…Weekly Workouts!My Profile

    1. Hope your trail run was great! My tights are Athleta Polartec. They are from last year, which I think was thicker. This year they tried to keep them the same warmth, but slim them down.

        1. They are the one item of Athleta I had to size up on. Instead of my usual size S, I got a Med. They fit like a glove – perfect!! There’s not a lot of stretch to them.

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