Happy Friday! I thought I’d just chat about some fun stuff today, since it’s Friday, although Friday really doesn’t need a whole lot of boosting because heck, it’s FRIDAY!! Here’s some good stuff that went down lately…
This. Just this. My MacBook has a sticker again! Do you happen to know what my favorite color is? It’s like a happy little hug for my computer.
I scored a DEAL on some skirts this week. My job requires “professional attire”. I totally lucked out when I came across these three skirts – Banana Republic, Ann Taylor, and White House / Black Market at the resale shop. I paid only $6 total for them! One was brand new, with a tag on it still. And what about that ‘vanity’ sizing? All three are a size 0. What the heck, I’m not a tiny twig. Crazy.
My daughter got braces!! She grew up 5 years in the matter of an hour sitting in the orthodontist chair I swear. I was excited to hear that “headgear” is no longer used in braces. That was torture when I had it!
I’ve advanced to doing squats in my PT exercises now. A challenging exercise that I have is the heel bridge with slides. I have to get in a straight leg glute bridge, and then pull my foot in. They used to be freaking impossible, but now I’m so good I have to do them with my arms folded across my chest. They are no joke!
I’ve discovered “mix-ins” in my iced coffee. I used to think my flavored iced coffee was pretty good on it’s own, but adding a flavoring to it just kicks a$$. Delish! This coconut flavor is incredible! (notice bad kitty on the counter!)
Enjoy the weekend, hope you have something good happening, even if it’s just chillaxing on your couch. 🙂
Thanks for stopping by my blog. I appreciate and enjoy chatting with all of you, so tell me something fun that’s been happening with you!
Q: Do you shop at resale shops?
Q: Did you have braces, or have to wear headgear with your braces??
Q: Do you have a favorite creamer flavor?
The only time I shop at resale shops is when I am looking for throw-aways for races, but, every time, I find stuff there that I would keep. I found a Boston Marathon jacket for the 100th Boston at a resale shop in Denver. I was tempted but…… you can’t wear it if you didn’t run it. I wore braces back in the dark ages of orthodontics — the 1960s. I am probably about your father’s age. Over the winter I was using Pumpkin Spice, mostly because it was on sale, but my favorite is Italian Creme. Half marathon on Sunday and I was hoping for warmer weather but at least it won’t be snowing. Running today but taking a rare Saturday off to rest the legs.
I’m guessing the 1960’s braces were probably just as unattractive as my braces of the 80’s were! Funny how they are a “cool” accessory for the kids now. Must be the colored rubber bands they get!
That sounds like me – if I’m shopping for throw aways, I usually want to keep whatever I find!! Good luck on your race!
We ran a half in Phoenix a couple of weeks ago and the forecast was for 37* at the start so we stopped at a resale shop near our hotel for throwaways. My friend found an ASU hoodie for $2 that was so nice he didn’t have the heart to throw it away! He ran in it until he got too warm and then tied it around his waist for the rest of the race. Those damn braces were so bulky that it made me lisp when I tried to talk which of course all my classmates found hilarious. Scarred me for life.
I had braces years ago, like 1998ish, and headgear was out then too thankfully. Hooray for advancing to more PT exercises, I have done those exercises before too- I do the glute bridge on the ball as well. Doing squats again is really awesome though!
I love good coffee creamers- especially in flavored coffee when the flavors match. Yum!
Amy Lauren recently posted…Weekly Rundown: March 5-11
Headgear was soooooo bad. However, I Googled and saw that it is still used for some people. So glad it is not the norm. It was torture!
Bad kitty on the counter :). I think most people with cats like to pretend that our cats aren’t allowed on the counters, tables, etc because we worry non-cat people will judge us, but really all of us have learned to just accept that our cats WILL jump up onto those surfaces 🙂 When we have people over I always pretend to be SHOCKED that Cecil jumped up on the counter 😀 😀 😀
That’s exciting that you’re advancing in your PT exercises. How are your hammies feeling? Can you tell that the exercises are making a difference?
Kristina recently posted…We’re Going Where?
Did you notice the pile of papers on the left side of the counter? That’s the cat’s little cubby! Well, it’s actually a box of the artwork that the kids used to bring home, but she likes to sleep in it! I won’t let her go past the sink though. I’m sure she roams the counter when I’m not home!
I still have good days and bad days with my hamstrings, but overall the progress is positive and I don’t have as much pain as I did. More good days than bad! Taking those sick days and not doing exercises made me think I really need to keep at it, because taking a break didn’t help!
Awesome deal on the skirts! Yes I love shopping at thrift stores. Ann Taylor really does do the vanity thing and so go a lot of other places. When I am a 0 or 2 I am like… okay, then what does someone SMALLER than me wear, because there are plenty of people smaller than me!
Megan @ Meg Go Run recently posted…5 Things About This Week
Good thing they make those 00 sizes! 😉 I also got a sweater to match the skirt (I think that was $4). Great deals a plenty! I barely miss being able to wear pants now that I have so many options of skirts to wear to work.