training tuesday2

In terms of ups and downs, I would say this was an UP week.  Woohoo!!  More miles were run, and I didn’t feel too crappy.  I do still have a cough, but it seems to be getting less and less each day.  And I shared my cough with Alan.  He was SUPER thrilled about that! 😉

  • Miles run: 26.3
  • Training for:  Glass City Marathon (half) and relay,  April 22

Monday – 2.75 miles (30 min run) – I decided Monday was a good day to make an effort to get “back to normal” following my sickness last week.  Maybe I could sweat the sickness out, right? My plan was 30 mins easy run, so that’s what I did. I think it shook up some extra phlegm in my throat, which made for some loud coughing at work that morning (sorry coworkers!).  Interesting fact – taking 6 days off from hamstring PT exercises DID NOT make my hammies feel “rested”. In fact they were pretty irked and tight feeling. So this could be proof that “taking time off” really won’t solve the hamstring issue.  Slight bummer.


Tuesday – 4 miles total:  1 mile warm up, 3 miles at “half marathon pace”.  I say “half marathon pace” because I have an arbitrary “goal” pace.  It was 8:49. Guess what? It was freaking exhausting and I couldn’t even run 3 miles continuously at that pace.  Uh oh! Well, I did still have some coughing going on, and I was tired, but let’s say this test was enough to show me that all bets might be off on that 8:49 race pace happening!  But hey, that was one heck of a workout this morning!  Phew!!


Weds – Rest day!

Thurs – 3.5 miles & Cross training day…. No running on my schedule, but then after I marked the 5K race course, I wanted to get out and run!  And I got my gear for the Dave’s MIT group, so I wanted to try them out. I liked everything! It was a decent run too.  Good day!


Friday – 10 miles @ 9:30 pace– Since I ran outside yesterday I felt no need to get outside in the cold and run, so I just ran my 10 miles on the treadmill.  It was also a mix of not wanting to mess my cold/cough up more, and not feeling confident enough to be miles away from home. Yeah, that feeling still happens to me.  The run went well on my treadmill so I was happy with it.   You know what’s scary?  My ankles at this close range.  Eeek!


On a extra good note, I went to PT and got a few more advanced exercises.  One of which was squats!  I have not done squats in a very, very long time.  I was actually a bit scared of them by now!  So far I am doing well with them.  Nice and slow, easy peasy.

Saturday – Rest day!!

Sunday – 6 miles, 9:36 pace.  I really should have run outside for this one, but I didn’t feel like bundling all up, and I had some TV to watch, so more treadmill miles!  Oh, and we were going out for donuts that morning.  I didn’t want to waste any time.



Q:  How have your workouts been going?

Q:  If you live someplace warm, is it too warm already, or are you enjoying a nice spring?

It was actually snowing again on Monday at my house!

Q: Have you avoided getting sick this season? 



13 thoughts on “Training Tues, 3/13/18 – Glass City half edition”
  1. I get nervous about running too far away from my house and getting stranded too! During marathon training it was no big deal to run 10 miles in one direction and then turn around and run home. But last weekend the thought of being halfway through my 12 mile run and being stranded 6 miles from home was too much, so I ran multiple shorter loops instead.

    Great week! Glad you are feeling a bit better!
    Heather [is probably running] recently posted…run for funMy Profile

  2. I live somewhere warm but don’t think it’s too warm yet. It’s actually been rather pleasant for running lately! A bit chillier today but still much better than snow and ice.

    Hooray for progressing to squats!

    My first PT told me to just not run at all while I was rehabbing my hammie. I took some time off and it hurt even WORSE when I started back. Honestly, I hate when they “prescribe” rest, unless your injury is a bone injury like a stress fracture or stress reaction- in which it’s a good idea. I feel like some injuries heal better with some activity, even if it’s not running, because it gets the blood flowing to the area.

    Those donuts look delicious! I feel like donuts must be a big thing where you live, or you have a lot of donut shops. We really don’t here, but sticky buns and cinnamon buns are pretty popular.
    Amy Lauren Scott recently posted…Weekly Rundown: March 5-11My Profile

    1. You are pretty active at work, moving around, right? Sitting used to feel really uncomfortable for me, and that’s what I do all day at work. I’m thankful I’m past that stage!

  3. Ohhh those donuts look good! I shouldn’t have read this post when I was hungry :). Now all I want are donuts!

    Some days it is WAY TOO HOT FOR MARCH here and then other days, like today, it’s beautiful. The high was 67 today and it was sunny so I sat outside and worked from the patio today which was so nice.
    Kristina recently posted…My Full Leg Day WorkoutMy Profile

    1. 67 does sound pretty good! Around here if it gets to 40 degrees people wear thin coats, or even no coats. Come on people, it’s still cold out!!

  4. Went for a run this morning with my training partner and it was 27* but sunny. Two hours later, it was snowing so hard I could barely see the end of the driveway. Thirty minutes later, the sun was shining. Two hours later, snowing again. Then more sun. What crazy weather! Half marathon coming up this weekend and I was hoping for warmer weather but looks like 24* at start time. Crap! Knock on wood, I have managed to avoid a cold or the flu so far. May have something to do with being retired and having as little contact with humans as possible durning flu season.

    1. Yesterday was bursts of snow all day. Crazy indeed! I think we will be around 30 degrees at the start of my Saturday 15K race. Last year we had snow at that race!

  5. Knock on wood, I have managed to dodge colds and the flu; although, on a sad note, my uncle developed a nasty chest cold which turned into pneumonia which led to his death last week, so I spent a good 24 hours in the car driving down to Atlanta on Friday and back to Chicago on Monday. When I got out home Monday night, my right hip was screaming at me. It is still winter here with lows in the 30s but no snow. I have still been suffering travel fatigue yesterday when I let a friend talk me into running 18 with her on her last long run before Boston. Furthest I have run all year and had to take today off to recover.

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