This past week was pretty successful in both distances, and quantity.  How are my hamstrings you might wonder?  They are holding up pretty good.  They are not “cured” or my injury is “gone”, but I know that my PT exercises help me out, and I know to keep my distances shorter and to just go with whatever pace I can manage.  It’s all about lowering my expectations really, and I’m fine with that 🙂  If I can get out and run a few miles almost every day, it’s a win!

Monday – 4 miles, 10:13 pace, treadmill.  Some easy miles on the treadmill, catching up on TV.

Tuesday – 3 miles, 9:30 pace, treadmill.  I had good intentions of running outside today, but with getting to bed late Monday night and the rain pouring down… it was another treadmill day!  I’m not sad at all about that. My DVR is full of my shows and I feel like it’s an accomplishment to clear one off each time I run 🙂

In the evening I played tennis with Zach.  We really need lessons! We are getting better at returning the ball to each other, but we don’t get past a few times back and forth.  Regardless, the one on one time with my son is always time well spent and I love that we enjoy this sport together (and that we both have the same skill level!).


Wednesday – Rest day!

Thursday – Run 4 miles (9:04 pace), bike 7 miles.  Family bike ride. It was a beautiful night! My morning run was also very pretty with the sunshine.


After my quick run, Alan and I spent the day at Cedar Point.  Yep, the kids were in school, and we got to play! You’d think the park would be dead on a school day Thursday, but ironically there were many school kids there on a “field trip” day.  What fun!!


Luckily it wasn’t too busy and we got early entry and rode our favorite coasters several times. Pretty much the perfect day at Cedar Point!  See the car at the top of that coaster?  It goes 120 mph in 3.8 seconds at the start!  Holy crap, it is fast.  And sooooo fun!!


Friday – Brick workout – bike 15.3 miles (14.1 mph), ran 2 miles (8:47 pace).  My 2nd brick workout ever was just as tiring as my 1st ever! Phew!! Always interesting that I’m running faster after biking.  I’m sure it’s because my legs are warmed up, and used to a faster turnover so they just keep going.  This confirms it… I need to wear a hat at the race!  Crazy hair, I do care! 🙂


Saturday – Rest!  A funny comment I heard the other day… by “rest day”, I mean for my legs.  Still lifted weights 🙂 So true! Did weights and was sore the next day. I’m out of practice on strength training!  Had my Royal Wedding outfit on while doing weights.  The wedding was beautiful!  

IMG_8015Someone in our neighborhood actually had a Royal Wedding party!  This is my super spy photo of them.  Teehee!  At first I thought it was an actual wedding going on.


Sunday –  Brick workout – Run 1 mile (9:16 pace), bike 10 miles (13.4 mph), run 3 miles (8:46 pace)!  Duathlon practice day. I ran first, to get an idea for how that would feel for my race. Biked 10 miles, then ran 3 miles.  Was going to run 2.5 miles, but figured 3 would be a nice round figure. Once again my pace surprised me, and it was tiring! I think this went well though, so I’m feeling good about my upcoming race.  My bike ride was good – and I even went up a few hills to mix it up a little.  Yes, this is a hill.


I had a yummy new combo for my recovery drink… coffee banana smoothie.


And finally, I was testing out my race outfit.  Check, check, and check!!


The one wild card for my race is that it’s an evening race.  Evening running is not my usual thing, not to mention the temperatures will be warmer.  No matter what, it’s a PR race since it’s my first, so the pressure is off!


Q: Did you watch the wedding?  

I just skipped through most of it until the vows.  And people watched.

Q: Do you have any good smoothie recipes?

Q: Any advice for duathlons?  Bike less aggressive to save the legs, or bike really fast to make up time? 

I’m thinking the latter!

6 thoughts on “Training Tues – 5/22/18”
  1. Boy does Zach look like Alan in that photo! You and Alan are so fun. Paul and I go to amusement parks as adults still too! But of course we make sure we take our nieces and nephews as well. Maybe don’t go ALL out on the first bike but do go all out on the second bike!? My little brother is insane, he is doing a full Ironman in the fall and two weeks before the full he is doing another ironman that is a little over the half distance- instead of 70 mi, 80 mi.
    Megan @ Meg Go Run recently posted…From Stomach Bug to 17 milesMy Profile

    1. Just one bike – after 1 mile, followed by 5K run. I’m actually a bit scared to go really fast on my bike. It’s super sensitive to movement (because it’s such a nice bike compared to what I used to have!). I don’t even have clip on shoes or cages yet. Baby steps!
      That’s very impressive about your brother’s triathlons. A lot of training, and a lot of strength and perseverance involved in that!

  2. I did not watch the royal wedding. If I’m getting out of bed that time, it’s for a wedding with an open bar. I didn’t even wake up that early for my own wedding.

    I want to go to an amusement park! It’s not something we have around here, we have a few water parks and tons of county parks, but the closest amusement park is like 3-4 hours away in Charlotte. I guess with the beaches here that kind of brings people and we don’t need one though. It looks like you had a wonderful time.

    Injuries are fickle. Don’t feel like you have to explain a high volume week. If you feel good, sometimes you have to go with it. As someone who has a similar injury (except mine is actually torn and two doctors missed the DX), I know how the high hamstring tendon pain is and that it does come and go. Heck, in early March I actually thought I was turning a corner and recovering from this, but no. It’s just hard to trust your body after dealing with this for so long because this is a condition that lasts and lingers for years, and it affects different people differently. You know your body because you live in it each day and live with whatever happens.
    Amy Lauren recently posted…Chronicles of Cross Training: May 14-20My Profile

    1. Oh no, I did not get up early to watch the wedding! But I did remember to add it to my DVR, so it was a regular day for me! It was an interesting mix of cultures.
      Around our town we are so used to having a huge amusement park, we just think everyone in the country has the same access to them! Do you have alligators where you live? I just saw a picture from a Southern friend and a gator was in a neighbor’s back yard!
      It stinks that it took so long to figure out your problem. I hope you get some good direction on it soon.

  3. As usual, you rocked it this week Lisa!!

    I’ve never done a duathlon before. I think it would be so fun though because I love biking and running (but really DON’T like swimming) so this would be kind of the perfect combination for me.

    I watched some parts of the royal wedding on YouTube later on that day. I couldn’t believe people woke up early to watch it. I think I found out it was happening that day after I woke up.
    Nathaly Abrahan recently posted…Running Recap.My Profile

    1. Even with a pool in my backyard, I don’t have a big interest in swimming. I mean, I like to lay around on a raft, but that’s a whole different thing! Nope, not an early rising for me to watch the wedding – DVR! It was pretty funny seeing my neighbor’s party. The hats were big!

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