When it gets near the end of the year, a lot of runners might have milage goals and see what they need to do to reach that goal. For me this year, I was pretty much just winging it. I was more in “recovery” mode than anything else. But I did see a number come up that I thought was very fitting… 1,111.1! I laugh a bit because I’m sure that odd number makes some people cringe. It would have made me cringe a few years ago, but these days I’m just happy to be running and not care it I end in a nice even number or not.

This has been a year of firsts for me. It was my first duathlon. The Dooby Two was an interesting experience for me, learning how to run after riding my bike.

I competed in my first triathlon at the Sylvania Triathlon in July. This picture represents how genuinely happy I was with my results. Seriously, I did it!!! (still a shock to me sometimes)

Over Labor Day weekend, I participated in my first 24 hour relay. The Olander 24 Hour Ultra and Relay was a really fun experience I never imagined myself doing. I’m so glad I did it though!! I ran 19 miles over that day in the sweltering heat. It was a camping weekend, with a bunch of sweaty runners. What’s not to love about that?

2018 was also the first year I *haven’t* run a full marathon since 2010! I feel like I’m finally to take on the distance again (fingers crossed!) and I just signed up for Glass City on April 28th.

I was happy to represent Run Toledo as an Ambassador in 2018, and just as excited to be returned as an Ambassador in 2019 too! There are new races on the calendar, and now I just need to pick out which ones I’m running! 🙂
First on my 2019 calendar, I’m helping out as a sub coach in the Dave’s Running MIT (Marathon In Training) program, so I’ll be getting some miles in with friends soon. Nice collection of swag, yes?

Hope you have had a good 2018, and are looking forward to some new goals or experiences in 2019. Let me know what you’re up to!
Linking up with Hoho and Wendy for the weekly workout wrap up.
Q: Did you have a mileage goal in 2018? Did you achieve it?
Q: What plans do you have for 2019?
Q: Do you make any New Years resolutions??
Mine are simple – be more organized, get back on track with meal planning (so I’m not at the grocery store 3 times a week!), and keep my office clean.
I think 1,111 miles is a pretty awesome number! I didn’t set a mileage goal this year but was short of 1000 by only 10 miles. LOL. Guess I should have been paying attention. Anyways, what a great year for you! Good luck on your marathon training!
Wendy recently posted…2018: It Was a Very Good Year
Thanks! I usually don’t think of a mileage “goal” until December 20th because I’m not really paying attention either. My top mileage year hit 1,800 miles a few years ago when I ran all the marathons! A goal does set me up for being injured trying to get the miles in, which I really don’t need (who does?!). It’s just good to be running I think. Even if it is a few days a week – gotta keep the crazies away 😉
I always like following your racing adventures because you try NEW things. Congrats on signing up for another marathon! I do not have mileage goals but I supposed I could look at my Garmin and see how I did in 2018. I’ll have to figure out how to do that.
I want to do all the new things! I just hope my body decides to keep up with me 🙂 There is a report online at Garmin Connect called Progress Summary. You can select Last Year and get your totals. Of course that wouldn’t be treadmill miles. I’m not sure if it’s on app/watch too?
I’m setting mileage goal for the first time this new year! Going to try 2019 km in 2019. Let’s see how that works out! Well done on an awesome year! I am going to steal one of your resolutions right now – to keep my office clean. Even as we speak it’s such a mess!
Shathiso recently posted…The Races, The Bling, The Lessons – 2018
Hello from Botswana!! I love reading blogs from across the world and seeing part of your daily life 🙂 You know, I had never thought about doing the year in kilometers. That is a much more achievable goal than running it in miles! I started working from home a bit and my home office tends to get quite messy. I don’t mind being in it when it’s organized, but I stay away from it when it’s a mess. I need to be able to enjoy the time I have to work there!
I’m going to add your blog to list so I can stop by and visit it more often.
Haha! Yes, 2019 km seems much more doable than 2019 miles!
We work in km though so using miles is completely foreign to me! I must say though that reading other blogs has made me a lot more familiar with some of the mile distances so I don’t have to convert as much as I used to!