Does it seem like Christmas was ages ago?  (not at my house, because my decorations are still up!) During Christmas I wasn’t really in training mode, but I did get to enjoy the company of friends on some of my runs.  One of the best parts of the holiday season is getting together with my running friends in big groups. Yes, we call these Christmas Runs. Funny conversation with my coworker when I told him about the Christmas Runs…

“I think it’s funny that you call them Christmas Runs when it’s the same thing you do every day!”

Ok, true…. but…. we do wear Christmas hats, lights, and stop to take pictures. ho, ho, ho!

Moms/She Run This Town – this would have been my biggest run, but I did not participate in the running part. My son had a band concert that night. He is in Jazz Band now, and he even got a small solo! He didn’t tell us which song he was playing, so when the solo occurred I was just enjoying the music and not recording, but the part I did capture was the tail end of it when the rest of the band started playing. You can hear him at the very beginning though…

To continue – our MRTT group is so big that we rented a room to celebrate Christmas this year! What a great group.

Next up, the Sylvania Lights Run. This is the 4th year for the run. LOVE this one, because it’s also a night out for Alan and I. We run, chat, then go out for pizza and beer.

Loving the Sam Adams Winterfest beer!

Finally, the Nerd Herd gets together on Christmas Eve. I actually had to work on Christmas Eve this year (first time in 10 years!), but I went to work a little late so I could meet up with the group.

Due to our late start, I only got to run 3 miles before I had to leave for work, but I did make the first Christmas tree photo stop.

Although I don’t run with these groups as often as I could, it’s always a great reminder of how blessed I am to have so many friends – friends who share a love for a healthy lifestyle!

And to end on a tangent, my friend Steve has a new bunny! OMG, it is the cutest lop eared rabbit ever! I couldn’t resist showing you this 🙂

Q: Did you go on any lights viewing runs this past holiday season?

Q: Have you, or a friend, ever owned a rabbit?

When I was a kid my friend had a bunny. The only thing I remember about it is that it scratched me when I tried to hold it!

Q: Favorite pizza topping?

2 thoughts on “Christmas Running – a little late, but still festive :)”
  1. GO Zach!!! He sounded good. 🙂 My trumpet players are really starting to improve, which is a relief. I was worried for a little while…

    Growing up, we had a bunny named Petunia. She was huge and lived outside in a cage. We would let her run around the yard though. She did NOT like being held. Your friend Steve’s bunny is ADORABLE!!!

    1. I was mesmerized by the trumpet sounds and then realized it was Zach playing! The jazz band was really good. Steve also has a dog and he is good friends with the bunny. I’m guessing my cats would not be such buddies if we had a bunny!

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