Did you see that? Yep, it was my first week of training for the Glass City Marathon! The week was a little slow, but that’s because I was on vacation.

  • Miles Run: 17
  • Days skied: 2!

Mon – .75 miles. I was all concerned with getting my mileage finished up for 2018. I didn’t really look at my training plan. If I had looked, I would have seen that I was supposed to run 4 easy miles. DOH! Oh well, opportunity missed. I wasn’t going to get back out and run, so I just skipped this run. Nice way to start my training plan, right? haha!!

Tues – 5.35 miles. I realized on New Years Eve that a 5K was happening on New Years day right by my house! So, I ran a mile up to the race, ran the 5K, and then ran back home. It worked out great! Especially cool that Sydney said she would join me for the whole workout, with no prompting! woohoo!

Funny part was, three of us started together (me, Sydney, and her friend), and I had to drop them because they were going too slow for my training needs. haha again! Clearly we weren’t racing, because they both could have crushed me during their cross country season when they are trained. I love how in sync they were at the finish line!

We got leftover medals from another race 🙂

Weds – 4 miles easy. Treadmill time! Keeping it easy.

Thurs – skiing! We spent the day skiing at Boyne Highlands. It was a chilly day, but still a good one!

Look at this crazy amazing sunset in Petoskey!

Friday – skiing! Another ski day, this time at Boyne Mountain. What a difference a day makes. It was at least 10 degrees warmer and sunny. Beautiful spring skiing almost!

Saturday – long run, 7 miles. I’m trying really hard to stick with the plan, so my goal long run pace is around 9:36 – 10:20 range. I did spend a bit of time looking at my watch, and slowing down, but I did it – overall pace was 9:41. Yippie!

Sunday – rest day 🙂 Well, not really. Things I did that I shouldn’t have… 1. PiYo 2. Strength training. I tried a PiYo video and I’m not sure if it was that, or turning my gym visit into “leg day”, but by 3pm I had to take some ibuprofen to make me feel better! yikes. Next week, I’m resting for sure!!!

Thanks for stopping by! I’m linking up with Holly of  HoHo Runs and Wendy, Taking the Long Way Home for the weekly recap link-up!

Q: Have you ever done a PiYo workout?

I’m not sure it’s my thing… and I’m probably too sore to try it again!

Q: Did you have to work last week, or was it a vacation week for you?

2 thoughts on “Training Tues – Glass City week 1, 1/8/19”
  1. ah I’ve totally made the mistake of a “wrong training” on day 1 of a new marathon training plan ! I guess it won’t make or break the end result and you got plenty of running and other activities in!

    the random medals are kind of funny!

    last week I was slightly on vacation still – I had to work on Thursday but that was the only day! it was rough too, I tell ya! ha!
    Renée recently posted…Tuesday Topics Link-up #1My Profile

    1. I usually get an old race shirt from that race, but I guess they must have liquidated their supply this year! They also had leftover pint glasses, but I didn’t think those would not have survived the run back home. 🙂
      I work 3 days a week and sometimes that seems like a ton of days. Not sure how I used to survive working full time!

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