This was a busy week!!  I did a lot of running. Attended a lot of social/volunteer events.  Rode a lot of miles! Not sure my hamstrings were really agreeing with this plan, but it’s not horrible. Yet.  Hope you have time for a lot of pictures this week…. 🙂

  • 32.5 miles of running
  • 35.2 miles of biking!

Monday – 5 easy miles, treadmill.  Easy miles are a good way to start off the week!

+ 3 more miles.  In the evening we went to the first “summer” run – Dave’s Metropark Mondays.  

Dave’s Running puts on an organized group run at a park location every Monday.  It’s a great night because 1) we get to see our friends. 2) The whole family gets to run together!  3) a shoe representative is usually there and we get to test run some new shoes 4) once a month they have a cookout.  This means delicious burgers/dogs, yummy side dishes, and maybe 3 cookies. Ok, it really *was* 3 cookies for me, but who’s counting?  haha

Tuesday – 5 miles, hills!!  My friends often meet for some hill running on Tuesdays.  “Babes Hill Run” it’s called. I always say “one of these days I’ll join them”.  Today was that day! Getting up at 5:00am and losing a precious half hour of sleep didn’t excite me, but I’m so glad I went.  The sunrise was beautiful on the Maumee river.

Always worth it to get a good workout done, AND see my friends!

Unfortunately my run ended with a phone call from my daughter, sounding quite upset, asking when I was going to be home. 🙁  Poor thing woke up with a swollen eye! She has been struggling with hives lately and this time her eye was the target. No worries, it’s nothing serious, but a swollen eye is a bit scary at first!  

Wednesday – Run rest day, 18.5 miles biking.  The weather was nice so I decided to go for a bike ride.

Thursday – 6 miles, pace run.  Miles 2-6 were are my marathon pace.  This a treadmill run because it was raining in the morning.  Luckily the weather cleared up because Alan and I got to enjoy our first day of the season at Cedar Point!  This is a funny ride picture of us (in the front row). I’m trying to look “really happy” and Alan trying to imitate what I normally look like on the ride photos! This was an accomplishment for me because this one was a painful roller coaster (not my favorite!).

New at Cedar Point right now – Monster Jam trucks!  We got to ride in a Monster Truck. Really fun!! We rode in Megalodon. 🙂 Too bad my kids were in school and had to miss out on this good time.

In the evening I volunteered at packet pickup for the upcoming race on Saturday, the WTOL River Run 10K.

Friday – 3.5 miles running + 16.6 miles biking.  I had a super busy day! I got a run in while the weather was good and the sun was coming up.  Side note – this is a miracle… a headband stayed on my head throughout the whole run!! win!!

I had to cut my scheduled run short due to my son getting an award at school.  The Presidential Academic award. Yeah!

After awards I went on a bike ride with Alan.  It started raining right after we started! The rain was fine.  A lot of dirt and leaves splashed up on us!

I had a wonderful lunch with my friends…

And then spent a few hours volunteering to set up the WTOL River Run 10K.  We put American flags all along the race course. It looked very patriotic and pretty!

Saturday – 10 miles, long run.  PHEW!! I was so humid out there!  This was one of my first “summer” runs, and here in Ohio we were all complaining about the hot weather.  It even hit 90 degrees today! My run wasn’t very consistent. I stopped to talk to friends three times along the way.  Oh well!

Sunday – Rest day!  I was thinking about going to the gym, because I haven’t been there in forever, but NOPE, I need the rest.  Did my PT exercises instead. Gold star for me!

Need some more inspiration? I’m linking up with Deborah at Confessions of a Mother Runner and Kim from Running on the Fly for their Weekly Run Down. Check out all of the fun blogs there!

Hope you are enjoying your long holiday weekend!

Q: Did you attend or host any cookouts?

Q: Have you ever had any issues with hives? Are you allergic to anything?

I am allergic to penicillin, so I got hives from that. Other than that, I’m super allergic to poison ivy.

Q: Have you ever been to a Monster Jam Truck show??

We took the kids when they were little. Thank God for earplugs!!!

19 thoughts on “Weekly workouts – packing it all in!”
  1. I am allergic to a lot of stuff. My skin is highly sensitive and I often get spontaneous rashes if I touch something “foreign” and inadvertently scratch myself. It’s fun (#not). Congrats to the son! That’s a great accomplishment! We talked about going to Cedar Point when we lived in Michigan, but never made the trek.Personally, I love roller coasters 😉 Thanks for linking!!

    1. Cedar Point is a 90 min drive from our house, and we have season passes so we go a lot! I do like the “smooth” coasters a lot, but am finding that some of the other coasters are getting a bit more bumpy than I’d like. We got a tip that the smoothest ride is in the front of each car. I think it’s absolutely true and I always insist that’s how I get seated!

  2. Dave’s run sounds like so much fun! I love the concept and the place you ran looks beautiful! And getting up early for hill running is so much easier when a group of friends is waiting for you. Our running club has an annual get-together on Memorial Day. We run for 4 hours (or any part of 4 hours), then have a cookout. Looking forward to that tomorrow. Not going to run the entire time, though! 🙂

    1. 4 hours is a long group run!! It does sound like fun though. Our Metroparks Monday’s are a good time because I don’t always run in the parks they go to, so it’s a nice change of location for me and a chance to discover new routes!

  3. This was certainly a very busy week for you!
    Kudos yo you for waking up early for hill running. I avoid hills as much as I can (lol) but I know I need to change that.
    This weekend I ran a half marathon and it was all about Memorial Day. Tomorrow I will relax and enjoy some yummy food.

    1. Hope you enjoyed a great rest day today! I will admit, I was a tired cranky lady by the end of that hill running day. I could have really used a nap!!

  4. Sounds like quite a week! Sunrise runs are always worth once you’re up, but that can be a challenge. My eyes are sensitive to allergens and my eyelids will get really puffy. I wash them with a dab of J&J baby shampoo — it is that gentle. Congrats to your son!
    Coco recently posted…Memorial Day Weekend Run DownMy Profile

    1. It was quite a surprise when we got the awards ceremony invite mailed to us. I asked my son if there was something he wanted to tell us, because I thought he was getting in trouble for something from his school! haha!

    1. I am really enjoying the riding but starting to wonder if that is getting my upper hamstrings angry right now 🙁 I need to back of riding a little and see how it goes!

  5. I am allergic to latex, which as a nurse practitioner, is as challenging as it sounds! I’m also a patient, so I have to be diligent and make sure that everyone knows.

    Looks like you had a nice week of training. Lots of cycling! I hoped to get on the bike and ride with my sister today, but we had rain. Ugh. It’s been a tough spring to be an outdoor athlete!

    1. I can see how the latex allergy would be a challenge for sure! Just like that, spring has gone and now we have warm humid mornings already. So much for those 3 weeks of capri wearing weather!!

  6. We live 1.2 miles (yep, exactly) from a nice multi use path which we can go almost 50 miles on total (out and back). I’m a creature of habit and I am on it many days a week! I’m not sure it was even on our mind when we bought this house, but I don’t think I would be happy without it now!

  7. Great volunteering and running! I’m allergic to penicillin and nearly gave myself stress hives trying to write that on my number for the marathon with a rubbish pen!! I love your social runs and I hear you on the headbands – I can’t believe my buff stayed put through Sunday’s run, although it did get wet which I think helped.

  8. You had a busy (and fun! ) week. My sat run was early enough so that it hadn’t heated up yet. In fact, perfect running weather.

    There was an outdoor BBQ at my parents& it was a gorgeous day so that was pleasant.

  9. Congrats to your son – how exciting!

    I’m glad your daughter is okay. My legs used to break out in little hives when got and stayed super hot and sweaty on a long run. They’d itch like crazy until I could get into a cold shower to bring them back to normal.

    We hosted a large barbecue and because we were going out of town this past weekend, I worked on Memorial Day. I pretty much spent Saturday and part of Sunday setting up and then late Sunday night and super early Monday morning (I’m talking 5 AM – LOL) cleaning up. It was fun and worth it though!
    Debbie @ Deb Runs recently posted…Recovering from a Busy Weekend with an Even Busier WeekendMy Profile

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