7 weeks of my Erie marathon training done! I got some big miles of running in this week: 47! Here’s what happened last week:
Monday – 6.2 miles… a 10K to start my week. My plan was really just 6 miles, but thought it would be fun to make it 10K instead. #nerdynumbers I was also rocking my 2013 Glass City race shirt, and my first pair of real running shorts. Guess what? Those Nike shorts still feel pretty awesome. Since I’ve been wearing skirts so much (pockets, LOVE having pockets!) my poor shorts have been left out.

Tuesday – 6 miles, speedwork. “Straight Track” Tuesday! A more challenging workout of long intervals today – 2 x 2400 m, with 2:30min rest. Warm up and cool down too. I didn’t need the shirt as originally anticipated, so I ditched it, and got my speedwork done! (hey look, it’s the shorts again!)

All smiles when it was done!!

Cycling: 7.5 miles. Took a short bike ride in the afternoon with my family. No pictures of it, but trust me, it seems like it’s been the only day where it ALMOST reached 75 degrees so far this summer, and it was sunny. I actually had very little time for this ride due to a hair appointment, but I could not pass up the opportunity to soak up the glorious weather!
Wednesday – 5.5 miles. Daybreak Divas group again, but I had to get out of there quick for an early meeting at work. So no core work with the girls. Boo! But yeah, I made it to work on time 🙂

I even ran a little bit before the group to get my miles in. What a lovely site at the mall where we meet!

Thursday – 8 miles, “tempo” run day. We went camping Weds night, so this run was done at the campground. In the rain. Oh boy, rain again?? The middle 6 miles were at marathon pace and it went well. Sadly, the rain did not clear up at all and we spent most of the day in the camper. But we had fun watching movies and playing games. Any day that I don’t have to do housework at home is a good break in my opinion!

Friday- 5 easy miles. Finally the sun came out! I ran around the campground, and along the lakeshore.

I crossed paths with my daughter who was out on a run too. She was running up and down this big hill. They use this hill as part of the cross country course. Challenging!!

Saturday – 16 miles, long run. Back home again. A midweek camping trip feels like going on vacation. Love it! My foot was feeling a little odd, and my hamstrings were a bit sore (why??), so I decided to run this completed based on my heart rate. Part of my regular trail was flooded from all of the recent rain.

My goal was to keep it under 160 bpm. I did a decent job for the most part, but I did notice my pace was getting slower as I went. Not surprising! By the last few miles I was still slogging along and my HR was spiking up to 175 and not budging. I was just ready to be done, so I went with it. This was a bit disappointing because I hoped I was going to be full of energy after keeping my pace down. Hahaha. Nice to wish for though!

Other sports related thing I did today…
Rode my bike (9 miles) with my son, because it was so nice outside!

We also went to the driving range and smacked some balls around. Always fun. We are total beginners with little skills!

Sunday – Rest day. No running or biking, but I did get to play tennis with my son for 30 mins. Once again, not a sport in which we excel, but we just have fun with it.

Need some more inspiration? I’m linking up with Deborah at Confessions of a Mother Runner and Kim from Running on the Fly for their Weekly Run Down. Check out all of the fun blogs there!
Q: Anyone play tennis? Have you played for a long time?
Q: How about golf? Any golfers out there?
We don’t even own clubs. When we go to the driving range we borrow whatever they have. The worker described the ones we got this time as “total crap”. Guess that means we might actually be good golfers, but were limited by the crappy clubs?? hmmmm
oh gosh…golf is SUCH a painful game for me. The hubby is decent, but loses his patience with me after the third hole…and by then, I’m usually totally ticked off at the stupid little ball that keeps missing my club on EVERY swing. I like tennis, but never have anyone to play with. Our youngest daughter was really good at tennis…and the older one was a state golfer her senior year. The son, he was a distance swimmer….hard to believe any of those kids came from me LOL You had a solid week…great mileage! Thanks for linking with us 😉
Kimberly Hatting recently posted…Welcome to…Summer (?)
Those are all very impressive skills for your kids! I think I tried golfing once, and it was certainly very frustrating. And slow. I’ll stick to mini golf and the driving range!
Lovely pics! I love playing tennis and had a lesson at an open day last year at the local club – I got so much better just from someone bothering to teach me, but we haven’t used our racquets again since, and I need to make that happen. I’m rubbish at it but really enjoy playing.
When we play tennis, I spend a lot of time observing the people playing next to me. I feel like I’m getting better just mimicking them! 🙂 Taking lessons would really be helpful for me. One of these days I’ll arrange that.
You did log in a lot of miles this week! It’s nice that it does not seem too hot by you yet. I like miniature golf but could never play regular golf too cerebral. Thanks for linking up!
Deborah Brooks recently posted…Caprese Pesto Quesadilla Meatless Monday
Mini golf is so fun! I’m not great at that either, but at least I don’t have too far to roam when I miss a shot like “real” golf! Which is also a bonus of the driving range 🙂
HR training is so hard! I think you did a good job staying in your zone.
I used to golf, but it was so frustrating for me! I gave it up.
Heading to Strava to connect as we speak!
I feel like I would need to be walking to get down into the zones that some people have for HR. It sure is a different animal to run based on HR!
I don’t gold or play tennis — my eyesight isn’t good enough — but I do love watching a good tennis match. Wow on that golf course hill – it does look challenging. Congrats on a great week!
Coco recently posted…Lawyers Have Heart Race Photos Redux
During the cross country meet, that hill is within the first half mile. Always a lot of fun to watch the kids come up the hill, then go flying down! My son said it’s the worst course ever. haha!
I don’t golf or tennis. I’ve at least tried tennis a little (and completely suck) but never even tried golf, although the rest of my family played. I’m the non-athlete one.
Totally agree a day without housework is a vacation. 🙂
2400s?! and I think mile repeats are hard! You go girl!
There’s something to be said about only having 4 plates and utensils when you cook a meal for camping. So few dishes to wash and put away! Less “house”, less mess!
wow! You are getting some great miles in. I took golf lessons several years ago. I thought since hubby learned to run with me, I could learn to do his thing with him (golf). I liked the lessons, had a great instructor, but never really got into golf, I might play one tournament/year. 4 or 5 holes is plenty for me. 18 is like torture! 🙂
Laurie recently posted…Central PA 10K Race Report
Truth be told, I only had 46.9 miles on Strava when I ended my long run… so I ran out to the mailbox and back to even it up to 47 miles for the week! I don’t really care about even numbers, but when it’s that close…
Busy week for you! Love the variety of workouts. I was a golfer before I was a runner. There was a time before we had kids that I used to hit the links 3x/week. That said, it’s been years and years since I’ve done anything more than hit some balls at the range. Don’t even start about the rain. I feel your pain.
That’s a lot of golfing! Were you in a league? It definitely sounds like a fun social thing to do.
I was in an after-work league once a week. Then I’d get out and practice. It was fun.
no golf or tennis for me – I actually never excelled at any sports and while I did have interest in tennis for a while something traumatic happened to me at the courts and subsequently I quit for good. I love watching a good tennis match though now, at least the bad experience didn’t take all the joy out of it.
you had a good week – I bet that mid-week was super nice! We never do that, but it could be something to do in the future!
That’s a bummer you had that experience at tennis. I played with my son again today and I feel like we are improving… no need for either of us to fetch our balls out of the neighboring courts! We did a lot of running after the balls in the beginning 🙂
That is one big hill! Wow!
47 miles this week is awesome. Great job!
One hill like that at the beginning of a race and I’d be done!! The kids sure do power through it though. I guess it’s just old people like me that have a real problem with it. haha!!