Can you believe the cuteness here?? We are in the midst of crying babies again at our house – except this time, it’s tiny kittens!! OMG, they are so adorable!

These two cuties are the latest foster kittens we are taking care of. When they asked if we wanted to help with them, I thought “yes!!!!” But honestly, I’ve never taken care of kittens this young! They are only 3 weeks old (or maybe 4 weeks old now). Someone dropped them off at the shelter.

They aren’t ready to be weaned quite yet, so we had to feed them milk replacement. We are just using syringes because that’s what we have. They are eating like champs!! One of them is eating wet food, but not the other yet.

Just like human babies, they cry (a lot!) when hungry. They make a mess eating (which is why they look a bit dirty – they have milk all over them!). Then they take nice long naps. Awwwwww

It’s been a fun learning experience so far, and we’ve only had them for about a week. Luckily they still live in a box, but super soon they will be wanting to run around and explore a lot more.

I am hoping these two will be adopted together when they find their forever home!
Q: Have you ever had kittens this little, or maybe a mama kitties with babies?
Cannot believe that there are persons who abandon such lovely creatures.
You made the right thing. Congrats.
We had mama kitties with babies. She lives with one of her son here again (you can see the son in my last post).
I’m just glad the Humane Society can take in animals with no homes! I think they have a pretty good network of foster homes available, which is great. If I didn’t already have 2 cats of our own, these would definitely be keepers. They are so good so far!
Wow! You should be commended for your dedication to these 2 little orphan kitties! Feeding them from a syringe around the clock is no easy task. We had cats our whole lives until about 5 years ago. Our last ancient cat (she was 21 years old!) died and we never got another. Now I miss having them around!
I do enjoy helping the foster kittens out. Luckily I’ve been OK with giving them back, and sending them along on their journey. This pair might be difference since we go them so young! I do enjoy having animals around too – but it’s also a tiny pain to have some one care for them when we travel for extended periods. I can’t imagine what we would do if we had dogs!