Howdy everyone! Recovery from the Erie Marathon is going pretty good. My legs still work, although not very speedy!

  • Miles run = 10.3
  • Miles biked = 15.2

Monday – Rest day!  No working out today.  Walking around like Frankenstein and struggling up stairs was all I could handle today.  Did not coach my Race for the Cure group. Instead, celebrated Alan’s birthday 🙂

Tuesday – Rest day!  Still mulling over what happened at the race.  In case you didn’t read my Erie Marathon race recap, it’s HERE.   I do think the humidity did factor into the equation. I heard at least three ambulances heading out to help people, and around mile 24 I saw a guy being worked on by emergency workers.  Not sure what was wrong but he was shrieking in pain. Very scary! I saw someone getting fluids, and people were walking much sooner than I normally see them. However, with 60 degrees at 85% humidity, there have been far warmer races!  But still, we did receive some interesting (and sad) stats from the race director… in previous years 0-2 people had been transported to the hospital. This year there were 9 ambulance calls and 5 had to be transported to the hospital. What the heck??

Did some weights (arms, not legs!) and went for a walk after dinner.

Wednesday – 1.8 miles running… ran with the beginner group of Ready for the Race, so run/walk intervals were the perfect fit for recovery mode!  

Thursday – treadmill walking, YouTube workouts.  I woke up early due to a bad dream and figured I might as well get out of bed and workout.  I have the whole season of Bachelor in Paradise to watch!! Also, I figured I’d do a quick workout I found on YouTube with an exercise ball.  Who knew just one minute of doing those exercises would be barely achievable!! DOH. Good thing it was only a 7 min video.

Hooray for great lighting in the basement workout room! haha!

It’s my 27th wedding anniversary today!  Got to spend some quality time with Alan (because the whole weekend in Erie was not enough  haha!). We rode bikes, and went out to dinner!

Friday – 3.5 easy miles.  I’m a wear tester for some trail shoes now, and I haven’t run any trail miles since my marathon training started!  So, time to go trail running. Except I just hit grassy trails because I felt it was odd to drive longer to the park with dirt trails when I was only going to run 3 miles!  My run should last longer than the commute there, right? 🙂

I made it to the gym today too. Using all the weights It was fun to get back at it!

In the evening, more high school football and marching band performances!

Saturday – 5 miles, easy.  My goal was to keep my HR in zone 3.  It took some slowing down, and my HR seemed high despite my slower pace (which means I’m still recovering), but I did it!  Woohoo!

Later on, another cross country meet!

Sunday – No running!  Another Cedar Point day.  The park was all decorated for Halloween. I love this time of year!   We all go to bring a friend for free (with our season passes). Alan and I gave our passes to my parents.  They haven’t been to Cedar Point forever!

I’m starting to formula a new plan for training for my next race, the Columbus half marathon on Oct 20th. I’ll have to see if my body agrees with the more advanced training. Can you tell why I don’t read a lot in bed??

Need some more inspiration? I’m linking up with Deborah at Confessions of a Mother Runner and Kim from Running on the Fly for their Weekly Run Down. Check out all of the fun blogs there!

Q: Do you usually use the same training plan over and over? If so, which plan do you like?

I was on an “easier” plan after I was injured. Prior to that it was a modified Pfitzinger plan. I’m looking at Pfitz again!

Q: Do you have any favorite YouTube workout videos? Please share!

13 thoughts on “Weekly workouts – Recovery”
  1. Happy Anniversary! I’m glad your recovery is going well. Those race statistics are scary. The last Army Ten Miler I ran was like that — so many ambulances. I think the humidity can have more impact than the temperature— you just can’t cool off.

    1. The race director was asking anyone who was transported to the hospital to get in touch with her. Sounded very serious like the park needed the info to allow the race to happen next year. I agree – it’s such a big jump in incidents, they need some answers!

  2. Happy Anniversary! I used a Hal Higdon plan for my first marathon, and had such great success, I’ve pretty much kept with it. I do modify it, somewhat, each time based on my level of fitness (which seems to be different for each 26.2 cycle LOL). I trained with a coach once, and while it was nice having someone else call the shots, I felt over-trained on race day, and things didn’t go as well as I’d hoped.

    1. Same here! I started with Hal Higdon plan, and then one from Another Mother Runner. I also used a coach one time, but didn’t have success with it primarily because I was just running through an injury that should have kept me even doing the race. I thought the PT was going to fix it, but nope! Wishful thinking!

  3. Happy Anniversary! Wow to those race stats that you shared! Even when I have a bad race, I’m always so thankful to finish upright as I know that’s not the case for most people.

    Love that your recovery from the marathon is going so well!

    1. So true – the statistics are there, not everyone is going to finish the race! Luckily it was just something “small” (injury) for my husband and not a hospital visit.

  4. I absolutely recommend Pahla Bowers to everyone. She’s a runner, her workouts are great (a wide range of levels), and she’s fun.

    I’m with Laurie — I want what you’re having. I got married when I was 23, and am celebrating 34 years next month, so you do the math. Lately I feel older . . .

    I rarely do the same thing for anything, it’s far too boring!

  5. I’d never heard of Pfitz until suddenly 3 people have mentioned him so I’m going to check it out. The only training plan that I’ve ever been able to follow was the 10 week speed program that I did this summer, I’ve tried to follow 10k and half training plans but either they’re too easy or too hard so I bail on them.

    Happy Anniversary!

    1. I consider the Pfitzinger plans to be “hard”. They are higher mileage with specific goals/paces in each run. My plan is from his “Faster Road Racing” book and for the half marathon, I picked the lowest half marathon mileage plan, which was 31-47 miles a week. That’s close to my marathon miles! There was also 46-63, 61-84 miles a week plans…. just in case you want to run more than that. Oh wait, there is also 81-100 miles a week plan for the half marathon.
      Gulp. I can’t even imagine. I guess that’s more “elite” training plan!

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