Thanks for all of the tips last week on PF!  I know it’s a common, but yet frustrating issue.  Alan has been trying a combination of things, and did end up buying a R3 Roller (thanks for that idea Beckett!)   I’m surprised how many of you have had high hamstring issues. Boo on that – but also good to hear you have survived it and are still doing great things.  Positivity!

Miles run this week: 26.5

Monday – 3 miles, treadmill.  I was going to take today off, but due to the work fiasco last week, I thought I needed to get the sweat on to preempt any bad stuff that might be going down today.  My run was ok. I felt a bit stiff, but then realized I had done a leg workout at the gym yesterday which included hamstrings curls, which I really shouldn’t have done. I will be skipping that machine for a while!

Tuesday – rest day!  

Wednesday – 6 miles, treadmill.  Another run on the ‘mill! Watched a few more episodes of The Good Place.  At night I went out with some friends for Mexican food and margaritas. It was so good to see my friends again. I feel like I’ve been trapped in my home office working on all of these computer forever!! What a mess. ugh. I’m going bonkers!

Thursday –  9 miles. I tested the waters to see how my hammies were feeling.  Happy to report they weren’t feeling terrible after an hour and I made it to 9 miles feeling pretty good.  On my path I went through this park where they were growing trees (they are tubes with little trees in them). I always think it looks a bit spooky! After my run I was a bit sore 🙁

Enjoyed a little wine & cheese night with Alan that night. We had the new holiday cheese from a local store. Yum! It was cut from a 2,000 pound wheel of cheese! [ps, that’s HUGE!]

Friday – 5 miles.  I woke up feeling good! I was only going to run a few miles this morning, but after I got started it was feeling decent, I just kept going!  In fact, the last half mile felt pretty great which shocked me!  

But later at the gym I sat down on a piece of equipment and I felt a shock of pain go up my leg. What the heck?  I have no idea what that was, but I was a bit sore the rest of the day.

Saturday – Crosstrain, spin bike.  I wasn’t feeling any pain today and it was a rest day.  I still wanted to be active though, so I used my spin bike!  It’s been a year since I’ve used it I think. Crazy! At least Alan and my daughter have been using it in my absence. Hopefully it won’t make me sore.

We went to the University of Toledo basketball game in the afternoon and they had a great game.  100 to 41! A fun outing.

Sunday –  3.1 miles. Toledo Roadrunners club Turkey Trot. We’ve run this event as a family for quite a few years now. It’s a prediction run so we can’t use watches for timing. I did have one buried under my sleeve, but I swear, I did not even peek at it!!

I figured I would run a 9:30 mile if I was just running with no care. So I wrote down 29:30 for my time, 29:15 for my son, and 29:00 for my husband. My daughter ran with her friend, so she was doing her own thing. The strategy here is that we all finish together, so we have a wider chance of one of us getting on time! Good thought, right? Well this year our technique finally paid off! We finished in 28:58 which was pretty amazing timing I think! Alan won a turkey! Woohoo!

The funny thing about winning a turkey is that we already have two of them! I bought one for 87 cents a pound, which I thought was a decent price, but then I saw a sale for 33 cents a pound and couldn’t pass up that deal. It’s going to be turkey-palooza at our house this winter!! LOL

Need some more inspiration? I’m linking up with Deborah at Confessions of a Mother Runner and Kim from Running on the Fly for their Weekly Run Down. Check out all of the fun blogs there!

Q: Do you prefer turkey for ham (or something else!) for Christmas dinner?

Ham. I’m team ham. But I do like turkey leftovers (good thing!).

Q: Would you be good at guessing your pace for a race? Do you run without a watch often?
I don’t run without a watch very often. I’ll admit, I’m a slave to my Garmin!

26 thoughts on “Weekly workouts – can you predict?”
  1. I never run without a watch! In fact, when my Garmin died, I replaced it almost immediately. LOL

    Congrats on winning that prediction for your race! I’ve never run a race like that. Glad you’re feeling better. I had a little arch pain on my long run today and I was like nooooooo! I’ll be heading to my yoga mat in a bit to stretch.

    1. Our running club has a few prediction runs a year, which is nice because anyone can win. I think it looks like a lot of work for them so I’m glad they keep doing them!

  2. Oh lord if you’re not wearing a watch are you even running? To my credit, I’m capable of not looking at my watch during a run but afterwards I want All The Data. I hope that Alan’s PF gets gone and that your hamstring issues go with it. Running is so much more fun when it doesn’t hurt.
    Beckett @ Birchwood Pie recently posted…Weekly Sweats: Iron EditionMy Profile

    1. We are signed up for a couple more 5ks before January so I hope he’s feeling good enough for those at the least. That roller looks pretty intense. I haven’t even tried it yet!

    1. It was just an easy run for us, but if we were racing a 5K I’m not sure how close I would come. I was pleasantly surprised to see that all of the marching band has been great cardio for my son and he didn’t want to walk at all! We did catch my daughter and her XC team mate walking. LOL!!

    1. I’m determined to take my runs easy – no speedwork for a while. I’m a bit nervous though because I signed up to sub coach for the marathon training group which starts in January. I need to be reliable!

  3. Nicely done on the prediction. I seem to forget my Garmin at least once a week or so. On the treadmill it doesn’t matte since it doesn’t actually work. It’s annoying when outside but I usually hope someone else is recording and can tag me.
    Hope you find relief from the PF – was crazy to learn how that & my achilles tendonosis are connected as was the later hammy
    Cari recently posted…This is 40My Profile

    1. I do wear my watch on the treadmill only to record heart rate and some steps. I sit around so much during the day at work, I’d never get steps in otherwise!

  4. 2000 lb wheel of cheese! OMG!! Even here in the land of cheese I’ve not seen anything like that!

    I wonder what the shooting pain was – I hope nothing from your back!

    how cool you guys won the turkey! not that you needed it LOL! I’m not sure I could predict – well, maybe I could. I’m not super fast anyway and tend to be pretty consistent on my 5K time.

    I’m team… enchiladas 🙂 my mom used to make her red chili cheese and onions for Christmas in any case. Thanksgiving was always a turkey. I never really ate much pork though if it’s quality or like honey-roasted I’d probably eat the ham over the turkey.

  5. Whoop!! On winning that turkey! That’s awesome 🙂 I am a slave to my Garmin too. I once got all the way to the race venue, and turned back when I realised I didn’t have my watch! So we drove back home to get it. Luckily I made it back on time to start the race! But yeah… I am definitely a slave to it, LOL!

  6. Great job last week! I can’t even imagine what a 2000 pound wheel of cheese looks like, that sounds crazy 🙂 I pretty much always run with my Garmin, I should try to run more without it.
    Chaitali recently posted…Weekly ReviewMy Profile

    1. We went to see the cheese slicing ceremony a few years ago, but it wasn’t quite as exciting as we imagined (haha, that could be exciting, right?). Now we just buy it after it’s sliced 😉

  7. I would be pretty bad at guessing a pace for a race, but maybe if it was a course I’m familiar with? Congrats on winning the turkey, but LOL at being your 3rd. I am not a huge fan so once a year for a big bird is enough for me. I do love to get a Honeybaked ham at Christmas. That I could eat several times a year.

    1. Honeybaked ham could be a year round food for me! The course we ran had a really big hill on it too, so that makes it even more crazy that we got so close on the prediction.

  8. Ha – good prediction, well done! I don’t like turkey and I think we’re having a chicken for Christmas as it’s just us two and turkey is so expensive.

    Glad you’re getting some good running distances in and you have solutions for all your joint woes!

  9. Great job on your race! So funny that Alan won a turkey even though you already have 2 more at home, lol. If you don’t think you’ll want all of those turkeys, maybe you can donate one of the turkeys to a local soup kitchen? We normally get a free turkey from our local supermarket every year so we always donate it and the staff is always so appreciative!

  10. Sorry about those off & on pains, but it sounds like they went away & you ended on a high note — congrats on winning a turkey!

    I’m not a turkey fan. Neither is my husband. But the dogs sure are . . . I make turkey breast for them year round, LOL. I’ve done a whole turkey, but prefer to do parts (wings, legs, thighs, a breast). I’m not hosting this year, so no worries on that front.

    I like to have the data from my Garmin. I don’t think I ever run without it. Often I don’t look at pace though.

  11. I hope you’re on the road to recovery and that the pain when you sat down on that machine at the gym was a fluke.

    I used to be really good at estimating paces, but I’ve lost my edge on that skill. 😉 I haven’t run without my Garmin since getting my first one several years ago.

    I’m not a fan of turkey, but I always roast one for Thanksgiving because… At Christmas we usually have something Italian for Christmas Eve and go to our d-i-l’s parents’ house for Christmas dinner where they serve a filet. Yum!

    Happy Thanksgiving!
    Debbie @ Deb Runs recently posted…Visiting Lake Powell and the Glen Canyon DamMy Profile

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