Welcome to my weekly run down. If you’re here for fitness inspiration, you’ll be a bit disappointed this week. But if you’re here for drama, excuses and general “blah” this week, read on! 🙂 I was really out of sorts this week…
- Miles run: 22
Monday – 6 miles, treadmill. This run went well despite feeling a bit stiff from a marathon of yard work yesterday. If there’s one thing that is destined to mess me up physically, it’s yard work!! I raked huge piles of leaves and 50 degree weather fueled my enthusiasm to get the yard cleaned up. By midday I was feeling like I got hit by a truck! Sitting around at work did not help my DOMS, but I didn’t have much choice.

Tuesday – Rest day… SICK DAY! I was down, and out. Maybe those pains for yesterday were not DOMS, but the start of my illness? Not sure if this was food poisoning or just a 24 hour bug, but I threw up in the morning and spent the rest of the day sleeping on the couch under blankets. My body was so sore, and I was walking around like a zombie. Ugh. Also missed my Dave’s Marathon in Training coaches meeting, and a meet up with my girlfriends today. Whomp whomp. I always think it would be “great” if I could be sick and just lay around in bed all day. But no, that is actually a curse I would not wish on anyone! [side note, I did get my Hawaii post completed – only 6 months later 🙂 it’s posting this week!]

Wednesday – 3 miles. Woke up feeling like a (mostly) new person today! Went to bed under several blankets, woke up sweaty, which is a good thing! The fever broke and I felt about 80% normal again. I was feeling good enough to make it to our She Runs This Town group holiday get together. We ran 3 miles and looked at the lights. I would not have run outside in the dark and cold without this motivation, so I guess that was a good thing! We also did a gift exchange and I ended up one made just for me… chocolate, foot cream, and lip balm! This gift could not have been any more perfect!

Thursday – 2 miles. After I got the kids ready for school, I had a surge of energy and decided to run a few miles on the treadmill. That’s a sure sign I’m feeling better again! I even have my appetite back (thank god!!). With last night’s run, my yearly mileage has gone over 1,700 miles! 1,704 this morning. Not that I’ve had the best year of running, it has been one of my top mileage years.

Great gifts from my Secret Santa at work too. Yeah!!

At night we went to the Toledo Metroparks and viewed the Manor House, which is a huge mansion on their property. 15 bedrooms in this old house, and they were all decorated. So pretty!

Friday – 2.5 miles. I had great plans to get out of bed and run right away, but that didn’t quite happen. I was still pretty tired, so I went back to bed. Finally at the last minute, I dragged myself up and hit the treadmill to wake up. Run done. Unfortunately I’m just not hungry today, and that leaves me feeling lethargic. Food is fuel! Also a sad predicament for someone like me who loves to eat. At night we went to the Toledo Zoo to see their holiday lights. Always a beautiful sight.

Saturday – 2 miles. Once again, pressed for time because I slept in. Ran a few miles before I worked the water stop at a local Jingle Bell Run 5K. The stop was manned by Run Toledo Ambassadors, and we had a good time with it.

Oh, and all of the work I did last week (you know, “real” employment work)… I knew there was something it was keeping me from. Turns out it was my making of Christmas gifts. I make several things from Shutterfly, etc and Christmas cards and I spent a large chunk of my day creating things and cursing myself for not doing it earlier, and hoping my stuff would arrive in time for Christmas (of course without paying for the faster shipping because I was in denial!!).
Sunday – 6.5 miles. This was about all I could muster after the week I’ve had. I got a new pair of trail shoes for the Brooks wear testing program, so I wanted to try them out. My nearest location of “dirt” is a 1.5 mile loop through some woods. Running around this loop 4 times was just as exciting as it sounds! But none the less, the fresh air was good, despite the cold temps. The shoes felt good and it was a great start to the day. And for the first time in several days, I did my PT exercises. Those exercises were the LAST thing I wanted to do this week, but I’ll be back on track on Monday.

So there you have it. A busy social week, but still felt a bit off, and tried to do what I could to keep active most days. Next week will be better I’m sure 🙂
Need some more inspiration? I’m linking up with Deborah at Confessions of a Mother Runner and Kim from Running on the Fly for their Weekly Run Down. Check out all of the fun blogs there!
Q: Have you been healthy so far this winter?
Q: Are you done buying gifts, or scrambling like me??
Darn those shipping deadlines!
The zoo holiday lights are so pretty! Glad to see you are feeling better. Have another great week and thanks for linking up
Thanks! I’m happy to be feeling better – no one’s got time to be sick, especially during the holidays!
I’m so sorry it was such a bad week healthwise, although it sounds like you kicked it off pretty quickly. Yeah, being sick is never restful (even when we wish — sometimes — we could just lay around once in a while).
All the pretty lights! The only problem with that is you actually have to go out in the cold & dark, LOL! We did brave cold rain to go out to dinner Friday night, though. Cause I did my longish run then. 🙂
I am a total hermit when it gets dark so early! I’m also unmotivated to get anything done at home… which is becoming quite evident with my messy house! LOL
I always wondered if it was a true luxury to be so sick one could just sleep all day. Now I know LOL Thankfully, I don’t seem to get sick very often (I should be knocking on wood for typing that). Wow…1700 miles! I’m just about at 1000, and cannot imagine another 700 on top of that. Great job!
Kimberly Hatting recently posted…Back to the BRRRR!
Being stuck in bed is actually quite boring after a few hours it turns out 🙂 I can’t even imagine what it would be like for people put on bed rest. Poor things!
Being sick is tough! I would never want to be sick for a day, but unfortunately it happens occasionally. Glad you’re feeling better!
Those holiday lights are so pretty! I love fun light displays. And wow on the 1700 miles!
Montana @ Pretty Lil Mudder recently posted…SPB Classic Marathon Challenge + BDR Challenge Training Week 3: 12/9-12/15
Luckily, being sick does happen rarely for me too, so I’ll consider myself blessed! I can’t even remember the last time I threw up though. Ewww!
Hope you’re on the mend- being sick around the holidays is no fun!
I think I’m back to full power now… good thing, because it’s just in time for all the cookies and treats around the office! 🙂
The thought of laying around watching TV is always better than the real deal. I was sick like that in September and watched more TV and slept on the couch more than I have in 10 years. I was SO sick of TV after that. I didn’t want to watch anything. Glad you are feeling better!
angela @ happy fit mama recently posted…My Week in Workouts
The only good thing about being sick? Getting pampered by my family! I’m so glad they help out.
I’m so sorry that you were sick this week. Stomach bugs have a quicker recovery than colds, but the whole not being able to eat thing is really rough for running. Congrats on 1700! This is the first year I’ve gone over a thousand, I think I’ll top out at 1200 for the year.
Beckett @ Birchwood Pie recently posted…Weekly Sweats: All Treadmill All the Time
This is true – lingering coughs are worse! Knock on wood, none of that going around my house!
I had to laugh at your first line! I AM here for the drama and excuses! 🙂
Being sick is tough. give yourself a break and come back next week. Or maybe after the Holidays. Way to go over 1700 miles this year. I have to add my mileage up, but I’m nowhere even close to that.
Laurie recently posted…Ain’t It a Shame?
I was in a pretty whiny mood last week haha! Looking back, I guess it really wasn’t that bad. Just always stinks when something messes up my plans. Since I was home sick on Tuesday, I had to work on Thursday – normally my day off. The nerve of that!! 😉
Sorry about the sickness and kudos for the SO MANY MILES! Wow! I have got all my gifts now except for those for my best friend and her children, but I’m seeing her in person over Christmas and they have asked for gift tokens, so it’s OK.
My Christmas cards originally had a ship date of Dec 24th listed (!!!), but I just got word they would arrive Dec 18th. There’s still hope on pulling this off. And even if they arrive after Christmas, it’s really no big deal!
Those holiday lights are really pretty! Sorry you were feeling sick earlier in the week but that’s good news that it didn’t linger too long.
Chaitali recently posted…Weekly Review
We do have a lot of nice light displays around us this year. I love it! Even our street looks pretty good.
Congrats on hitting 1700 miles this year!
I’m totally scrambling for gifts, I just can’t muster up any energy or excitement for shopping. It NEEDS to happen, I’m running out of time!
Jen recently posted…Half Marathon Training {Week 2}
I’m finding that gifts for teen boys are quite challenging. Finding gifts for my teen daughter though, it’s idea overload!
I’m struggling with my almost 12 year old son, I have 0 ideas for him!