This week was a busy one! Things went good, until they went really bad!!

  • Miles run = 29.5

Monday – 4 miles, treadmill.  Despite the holiday craziness swirling around me, I’m determined to stay afloat.  Getting a run done this morning set the tone for a productive day. That, and a pen a paper to do some major planning so I’ll get things done!  Also, got back on track with my PT exercises today. Go me! We had a cookie exchange at work and I got a lot of great cookies. Yummmmm We also frosted cookies at home.  Sugar, so much sugar.

Tuesday – 6 miles, treadmill.  I was feeling a bit stiff this entire run.

Wednesday – 4.4 miles, Christmas Lights Run V.  Four years of running this event, and this year was a cold one!  I was also missing my running partner Alan. Since he’s in a boot, he just drove and took pictures.  Which left me to run with the rest of the group – HIS running friends. They are much faster than I am, and I struggled to keep up.  The speed made my hamstrings hurt something awful, and I also had some mysterious sharp pain up my right side. I’ve never felt that before!  Sure, I should have just caught a ride back with Alan when I saw him halfway through, but I stupidly continued on so I didn’t miss out.

We enjoyed some delicious pizza and beer after the run.  Good times!

Thursday –  Rest day. I was really paying for my run last night.  It hurt when I walked!! Definitely the low spot of my month.  I was kicking myself for not stopping or at least slowing down.  Boo!! I did make it to the gym, but only for upper body exercises.  We had an office party at night and I got to wear a running skirt!

We all got elf names. Mine. Bahaha!

Friday – 5 miles, treadmill.  The day of rest really helped and I took it easy today.  I ran on the treadmill in case there were any issues and I could just bail.  I also made another trip the gym, and got to wear my new Christmas leggings! Fun!  (confession: I also wore them to parties on Saturday AND Sunday)

Saturday – 10 miles, long run.  I hadn’t planned on going this far today, but I was feeling decent so I just kept going.  I was actually overdressed and had considered taking off my jacket.

I didn’t have any water or GU’s with me, and the only thing I had eaten for pre-run fuel was this delicious Christmas snack mix.  Who says you can’t just run on sugar? LOL

In the afternoon, it was more eating and drinking at a family Christmas party!

Sunday – Rest day!  More eating, and another Christmas party tonight.  I did my morning PT exercises and plan on getting my 10,000 steps in today! Fun fact, I made a retro Jello mold to take the party. It’s chilling in my fridge right now….. I hope it comes out of the pan without a fight!!

Need some more inspiration? I’m linking up with Deborah at Confessions of a Mother Runner and Kim from Running on the Fly for their Weekly Run Down. Check out all of the fun blogs there!

In case you missed it, my 3rd and final post of our Hawaii Vacation!

Q: Did you attend any parties this week?

Q: Are you a fan of Jello?

My family isn’t the biggest fan, but I love it. And I love stuff IN my Jello. Hopefully they will try my super Jello dish that I slaved over!!

19 thoughts on “Weekly workouts – party on, and pain in the what?”
  1. I LOVE those festive holiday tights! I’m debating wearing some of mine for our flight (on Christmas Day LOL)…but then I’d have them with me for the remainder of our trip. I know, first world probs LOL I do believe you can run on sugar alone…once in awhile. I jacked my right hamstring Saturday evening…I was still in my graduation outfit (with slippery-soled heels) and my right foot took a strange turn in a bad direction. I caught myself, but I definitely pulled something…hoping it feels better after another walk (this afternoon) so I can do my Holiday Light Run tonight. Wishing you all a great Christmas!

  2. Glad that pain on Wednesday didn’t turn out to be anything serious! I love your “Merry Whatever” sweater. I went to a family Christmas party last night and had a great time. Stayed out later than usual and slept in till 8am today. 🙂

  3. I love this time of year for all the festivities! You look so cute in your skirt and Grumpy Cat sweater. And not a fan of jello! I think I ate my lifetime allotment when I was a kid–boy did I love that!

    1. The Jello did bring back memories of last December when I ate a bunch of it for my colonoscopy prep. Good times! haha!!! My husband laughed every time he saw my sweater, so I knew it was the perfect one.

    1. My holiday outfit was really out of the ordinary for me. But I’m glad I wore it. It was fun to get into the spirit. Now I just need to stock up on some running Christmas skirts or socks so I can be better dressed for next year’s group runs!

  4. I think trying to run too fast was what caused my hamstring to flare up in the first place as well. Sound like your pain got better towards the end of the week. It takes so long to heal this injury! Have a great week ahead and feel good

  5. Ooh, I like the look of that snack mix! Sorry you had to push too hard on your Christmas Lights run, and glad you were able to recover. I have also worn my Christmas running leggings to parties before now – got to get the value, right???!

    1. That’s exactly right – how many occasions are you going to have to bust out the holiday leggings? That snack mix was so addictive. I could not stop eating it!!

    1. There sure are a ton of ugly sweaters to choose from these days. I really didn’t think that trend was going to continue, but it looks like it’s here to stay for awhile!!

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